DCLPublicationDate: 12/1/99 DCLID: ANN-99-13 AwardYear: Summary: January 20, 2000 (1-3 p.m. Eastern Time) Student Financial Aid Videoconference for High School Counselors, TRIO Program Counselors, Students, and Parents December, 1999 ANN-99-13 SUMMARY: January 20, 2000 (1-3 p.m. Eastern Time) Student Financial Aid Videoconference for High School Counselors, TRIO Program Counselors, Students, and Parents Dear Partners: SFA University is pleased to sponsor a live, interactive videoconference called: "Applying for Federal Student Aid: It's Easier Than You Think!" Our upcoming program is presented free of charge by the U.S. Department of Education on January 20, 2000 (1-3 p.m. Eastern Time). Some of the topics currently scheduled for this broadcast include: Filling out the 2000 - 2001 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (the FAFSA) Using the 2000-2001 FAFSA on the Web: the electronic alternative to the paper application process to apply for Federal Student Aid Calculating an expected family contribution (EFC) Understanding how schools "package" financial aid Finding student aid resources Organizing a financial aid night at your school You can use a toll-free number to call-in or FAX your questions to our subject-matter experts during this live videoconference. You may also wish to record our program for later use as a reference source. The videoconference will be broadcast on the following satellites: KU Band Satellite: SBS6, Transponder 4 Orbital Position: 74 Degrees West Longitude Downlink Frequency: 11798/polarity Vertical Audio: 6.2 and 6.8 C Band Satellite: Galaxy 6, Transponder 7 Orbital Position: 99 Degrees West Longitude Downlink Frequency: 3840/polarity Horizontal Audio: 6.2 and 6.8 For complete information, including how to register for this videoconference, simply click on the Internet URL at the bottom of this announcement. This URL is the official registration and information site for the upcoming videoconference. You may also wish to bookmark this site so you can refer back to it for program and transmission updates. Approximately one or two days before the live broadcast we will post the final program handouts (in PDF format) with the actual discussion points. Click on the "Broadcast Materials" header to first locate, then download these materials for reference and note taking during the live program. If your school cannot access our videoconference, you can register to attend a host site in your area by also using the On-line Registration link. You may also borrow a videotaped copy, if you cannot join us for the live program. Please call 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) approximately two weeks after the videoconference to borrow a tape. We are looking forward to sharing this information with you on January 20th! Sincerely, Anne H. Teresa, Acting Director SFA University Click the active link to register for our upcoming videoconference: "Applying for Federal Student Aid: It's Easier Than You Think": http://www.edvideo.walcoff.com/ Attachment |