DCLPublicationDate: 12/1/99 DCLID: P-99-9 AwardYear: Summary: Summary: This letter contains two sets of 2000-2001 Federal Pell Grant Program Payment and Disbursement Schedules - Regular and Alternate. December 1999 P-99-9 Summary: This letter contains two sets of 2000-2001 Federal Pell Grant Program Payment and Disbursement Schedules Regular and Alternate. Dear Partner: Enclosed are two sets of payment and disbursement schedules for determining Federal Pell Grant awards for the 2000-2001 award year July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001. Each set of schedules Regular and Alternate (see discussion below regarding when the Alternate Schedules must be used) consists of four separate tables - full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, and less-than-half-time. The Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (P. L. 106-113) provides an appropriation of $7.7 billion for the Federal Pell Grant Program for the 2000-2001 award year and raises the maximum Federal Pell Grant award to $3,300, up $175 from the previous year. The minimum award continues to be $400. The maximum Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount in order to be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant increases to 3100. These schedules are final and are not affected by the budget reduction provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act. The Alternate Schedules must be used to determine 2000-2001 Federal Pell Grant award amounts only if all of the following are true: The total of the students tuition and any dependent care or disability related expenses included in his or her COA is less than $300; The students EFC is less than 301; and The students COA is $3,000 or higher. The set of Regular Schedules must be used to make 2000-2001 Federal Pell Grant award determinations for all other students. Regarding the Alternate Schedules, the Higher Education Act includes a provision that, under certain conditions, modifies the rules for determining a students Pell Grant award to account for tuition sensitivity. This provision, Section 401(b)(3), was revised by the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 and is only applicable when the Federal Pell Grant Program maximum award exceeds $2,700. The provision provides that the maximum scheduled Federal Pell Grant for a student for an academic year is the sum of: $2,700; plus One half of the difference between $2,700 and the maximum grant; plus The lesser of: The remaining one half of the difference; or The amount of the students tuition plus an allowance determined by the institution as described in sections 472(8) and 472(9) of the Higher Education Act if the student has dependent care or disability related expenses. Accordingly, any student whose 2000-2001 tuition (plus any allowance included in the Cost of Attendance for dependent care or disability related expenses) is equal to or exceeds $300, one-half the difference between the maximum award of $3,300 and $2,700, must have his or her Federal Pell Grant award determined using the Regular Payment and Disbursement Schedules. The components used in the Federal Pell Grant COA must always be costs for a full-time student for a full academic year. An institution that charged only fees in lieu of tuition as of October 1, 1998, may include in its determination of tuition, fees that would normally constitute tuition even if those charges are not specifically labeled tuition. Students whose COA tuition component plus any dependent care or disability related expenses (as discussed above) does not equal or exceed $300 are eligible for an award that is generally reduced by the difference between $300 and the amount of those charges. Because of the details of the award formula, the tuition sensitivity provision does not affect any student whose EFC is 301 or higher or whose full-time, full-year COA is less than $3,000. Although this reduction does not affect all payment cells on the schedules, we have decided to issue a complete separate set of Alternate Schedules because the distribution of the reduction is not consistent across the tables. We appreciate your continued support in making Federal Pell Grant assistance available to students. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed payment and disbursement schedules, please contact the Department's SFA Customer Support Inquiry Service staff. Staff members are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) at 1-800-433-7327. After hours calls will be accepted by an automated voice response system. Callers leaving their name and phone number will receive a return call the next business day. You may FAX an inquiry to the Customer Support Inquiry Service at (202) 260-4199, or E-mail the staff at CSB@ed.gov. Sincerely, G. Kay Jacks, General Manager Schools Channel Jeanne VanVlandren, General Manager Students Channel Attachment |