DCLPublicationDate: 12/1/99 This letter is for ED's lender and servicer partners and is intended to retransmit a summary of our lender-related contingency plans that we have provided over the last several months in other ways, primarily through EDs Y2K web site. This letter includes the following: ED's Lender and Servicer-related Contingency Plans (Attachment A) General Y2K Resources (Attachment B) We understand that you may want to contact us regarding EDs status and specific information about SFA services. Beginning January 3, 2000 you can obtain information in the following ways: 1. Access http://www.ed.gov/y2k for the Y2K status of ED's systems, including SFA. 2. Access http://IFAP.ed.gov for information about the availability of SFA services. For general information about Y2K and EDs Y2K preparations and plans, you can call 1-800-USA-LEARN (24 hours a day, 7 days a week including the holiday period throughout the transition to the new year). We are committed to working with you to ensure a successful Y2K transition. If you have further questions, contact Barry Morrow, General Manager, Financial Partners, at 202-401-2280. I hope you will enjoy the Holidays. Thank you for your continuing work in the Federal Family Education Loan program and with students and their families. Yours sincerely, Greg Woods Chief Operating Officer Office of Student Financial Assistance Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D |