DCLPublicationDate: 11/1/99 DCLID: CB-99-20 AwardYear: Summary: Campus-Based Programs 2000-2001 FISAP Edit/Verification November, 1999 CB-99-20 SUBJECT: Campus-Based Programs 2000-2001 FISAP Edit/Verification Process REFERENCE: The 1999-2000 SFA Handbook: Campus-Based Programs Dear Partner: The Department has completed the editing of your institution's Fiscal Operations Report for 1998-1999 and Application to Participate for 2000-2001 (FISAP) for the Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and/or Federal Work-Study Programs. Q. When will the edit verification be placed in my mailbox? A. The edit report data file (FIDT01OP) will be placed in your mailbox by November 15, 1999. Q. How do I correct my FISAP data? A. You must use the 2000-2001 FISAP for Windows software to update your FISAP data. Your careful review of the data and timely submission of corrections are critical to the calculation of your institution's 2000-2001 funding level(s). Please address each error message, either by providing corrected data or justifying the original entry. If you provide a justification, it must be typed in the Additional Information tab of your FISAP software. Q. Will I need to return an edit file if there are no changes? A. Unless you are entering the amount for Perkins Loan cash on hand as of October 31, 1999, you will not need to return an edit file. Q. Should I verify the FISAP data transmitted to TIVWAN? A. You should verify that the data you received from the Department is the same data that was transmitted. You should print an Edit Compare Report when importing your edit file to determine whether to overwrite current FISAP data residing on your computer with the data contained in the Edit data file. Q. Will I receive an acknowledgement for receipt of our edit file? A. You will receive an edit acknowledgement (FEDA01OP) within 2 days of our receipt of your edit file. You will continue to receive an updated edit verification file from us for each corrected submission. Q. When is the edit file due to the Department? A. After you have verified the data, you must transmit your response via EDConnect no later than December 15, 1999. Your institution should keep the FISAP software installed after this date in case corrections to your FISAP are needed later. Because potential Y2K problems may occur, we are reminding you that any error not corrected on your edit report could have a drastic impact on your final funding for 2000-2001. The Department's Mitigation Plan directs us to calculate simulated awards in December 1999. If a Y2K problem does occur, and these problems are not resolved by mid-March 2000, these simulated awards will become your final awards for 2000-2001. If you require assistance in the verification and correction of your data, please call (202) 708-7741. If you need assistance to resolve software problems, software functionality, or technical assistance, please call Customer Service at 1-800-330-5947. Sincerely, JoAnn Pease Acting Team Leader Campus-Based Operations Attachment |