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(CB-99-07) (CB-99-07) This letter provides procedures to request a waiver of the 1999-2000 Federal Work Study (FWS) community service expenditure requirement.

DCLPublicationDate: 5/1/99
DCLID: CB-99-7
Summary: This letter provides procedures to request a waiver of the 1999-2000 Federal Work Study (FWS) community service expenditure requirement.

May 1999


SUMMARY: This letter provides procedures to request a waiver of the 1999-2000 Federal Work Study (FWS) community service expenditure requirement.

REFERENCE: Chapter 7 of the Student Financial Aid Handbook.

Dear Financial Aid Administrator:

Campus-Based Program regulations require that you spend at least five percent of your total 1999-2000 FWS allocation to compensate students employed in community service activities.

Questions and Answers:

Q: What if I can’t spend the required five percent in community service?
A: You may send a letter requesting a waiver to the Campus-Based Program Office.

Q: What must the waiver include?
A: The waiver must have the following:
Be in writing,
Include detailed information regarding the nature of the hardship for your students to be employed in community
service activities,
Include the following statement:
"I certify that the information I provided in this waiver request is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information is subject to audit and program review by the Department of Education."
Have a signature

Q: Where do I send our Community Service Waiver?
A: You can fax your waiver request to Ms. Sandra Donelson
at 202-401-0387 or at 202-260-0522

Q: When is the waiver due?
A: You must fax your request by close of business, June 18, 1999.

Q: What if I’m late in faxing my waiver?
A: Requests submitted after June 18, 1999 will not be considered.

Q: What if I have additional questions about the FWS community service expenditure requirements or waiver procedures?
A: You should call the Financial Management Specialist identified on the attached listing. Each Specialist is assigned states. If you cannot reach your Specialist or the alternate identified below the name of your Specialist, you can call (202) 708-7741.

Q: What happens next?
A: You will be notified in writing by July 9, 1999 of the decision to accept or deny your request. If your request is denied, we will supply you with additional information at that time.

Thank you for your continued support in the Campus-Based Programs.


Michele Selvage, Director
Institutional Financial Management Division
Accounting and Financial Management Service

Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C