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(99-G-321) (99-G-321) Errors in Economic Hardship Deferment Request Form

DCLPublicationDate: 10/1/99
DCLID: 99-G-321
Summary: Errors in Economic Hardship Deferment Request Form

October 1999


Dear Guaranty Agency Director:

It has been brought to our attention that there is an error on one of the Worksheets associated with the recently approved Economic Hardship Deferment Request form. On Worksheet B, Step 3, Item (2) refers to “TOTAL AMOUNT BORROWED from Step 3” in two different places. Actually, the total amount borrowed is calculated in Step 2, not Step 3.

In addition, the Economic Hardship Deferment Request form that was posted earlier contained an incorrect OMB number. The OMB number for all of the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program deferment forms is 1845-0005.

We have corrected these errors, and are posting a revised version of the Economic Hardship Deferment Request form on both the IFAP and NCHELP web sites. The corrected version should be used by guaranty agencies and lenders in place of the earlier version.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Jeff Baker, Director
Program Development Division
Office of Student Financial Assistance
