DCLPublicationDate: 9/1/99 DCLID: ANN-99-9 AwardYear: Summary: October 7, 1999 SFA Satellite Videoconference September 1999 ANN-99-9 SUMMARY: October 7, 1999 SFA Satellite Videoconference Dear Partner: We are pleased to announce a satellite videoconference to be presented October 7, 1999 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The title of the program is "Power Up for 2000: Application and Delivery System Updates." This videoconference is presented free of charge by the Department of Education and will highlight the latest Student Financial Assistance (SFA) electronic updates and initiatives, focusing on: · Changes to the 2000-2001 delivery system · The 2000-01 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) · The 2000-01 Renewal FAFSA · The 2000-01 Student Aid Report (SAR) · FAFSA on the Web · Renewal FAFSA on the Web · Corrections on the Web · Our new SFATECH listserve · Our SFA Technical Support web site · The Student Aid Internet Gateway · Changes to EDExpress software You will have the opportunity to use a toll-free number to call-in or FAX questions to our subject-matter experts during this live videoconference. You may also wish to record this videoconference for use as a reference source. The October 7 videoconference will be broadcast on the following satellites: KU Band Satellite: Telestar 5K, Transponder 19 Orbit Position: 97 degrees West Downlink Frequency: 12053 (V) Audio: 6.2 and 6.8 C Band Satellite: Galaxy 6, Transponder 5 Orbit Position: 99 degrees West Downlink Frequency: 3800 MHz (H) Audio: 6.2 and 6.8 For complete information, including how to register for this videoconference, simply click on the Internet URL at the bottom of this announcement. This URL is the official registration and information site for this videoconference. If your school is unable to access our videoconference, you may participate by registering to attend a host site in your area by also using the on-line Registration link. If you cannot participate in the live videoconference, you may borrow a videotaped copy. Call 1-800-FED-AID (toll free) approximately two weeks after the videoconference to borrow a tape. Once again, we look forward to communicating with you through the interactive technology of videoconferencing. Sincerely, William J. Ryan Director Training and Program Information Division Student Financial Assistance Click Here for More Information and to Register for the "Power Up for 2000: Application and Delivery System Updates" Videoconference: http://www.edvideo.walcoff.com/ |