DCLPublicationDate: 7/1/99 DCLID: CB-99-10 AwardYear: Summary: This letter notifies schools participating in the Campus-Based Programs of the Department of Education's (ED) intent to issue Award Letters, Funding Worksheets, and Cover Letters over Title IV WAN. July 1999 CB-99-10 SUMMARY: This letter notifies schools participating in the Campus-Based Programs of the Department of Educations (ED) intent to issue Award Letters, Funding Worksheets, and Cover Letters over Title IV WAN. Dear Colleague: ED will discontinue the use of paper mailings and will issue all Award Letters, Funding Worksheets, and Cover Letters for the Campus-Based Programs over Title IV WAN. Q. What should we expect to see instead of paper copies? A. You will see an electronic text file that contains all the data that your current award letters, funding worksheets, and cover letters contain. Cover letters will also be posted to EDs website at ifap.ed.gov. Q. Where will I find these text files? A. All text files will be sent to the Title IV WAN address associated with your schools FISAP process. If your school is serviced by a third party servicer, you should make arrangements to receive the data, files, or paper you are required to maintain with them. Q. When should we expect to see these electronic files? A. Listed below is our anticipated schedule for issuing information to your school at the Title IV WAN address: 1. Tentative Awards, Worksheets, and Cover Letter February 2000 2. Final Awards, Worksheets, and Cover Letter March 2000 3. Hold Reason Letters March 2000 4. All other Award Letters April 2000 5. Closeout, Supplemental Awards April 2000 6. Perkins Teacher Cancellation Awards and Worksheets June 2000 Q. How will I be able to print these letters and worksheets? A. Descriptions of the new message classes and instructions for downloading and viewing the files will be posted on EDs web page at ifap.ed.gov. Q. Who do I contact if I have problems? A. Questions and concerns about these procedures can be directed to Richard Bennett at (202) 260-6074. Sincerely, Michele L. Selvage, Director Institutional Financial Management Division Accounting and Financial Management Service Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C |