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(CB-99-08) (CB-99-08) This letter provides information about additional methods by which an institution may submit its request for a waiver of the 1999-2000 Federal Work-Study (FWS) community service expenditure requirement.

DCLPublicationDate: 6/1/99
DCLID: CB-99-8
Summary: This letter provides information about additional methods by which an institution may submit its request for a waiver of the 1999-2000 Federal Work-Study (FWS) community service expenditure requirement.

June 1999


SUMMARY: This letter provides information about additional methods by which an institution may submit its request for a waiver of the 1999-2000 Federal Work-Study (FWS) community service expenditure requirement.

REFERENCE: Chapter 7 of the Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook and Dear Colleague Letter CB-99-7

Dear Financial Aid Administrator:

In addition to faxing its request for a wavier of the 1999-2000 Federal Work-Study (FWS) community service expenditure requirement to Ms. Sandra Donelson at 202-401-0387 or at 202-260-0522, as described in the recent Dear Colleague Letter on this subject (CB-99-7), an institution may also submit its waiver request:

By mailing it to Ms. Sandra Donelson, Institutional Financial Management Division, U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 23781, Washington, DC 20026-0781; or

By Hand delivering it to Ms. Donelson at the U.S. Department of Education, Room 4714, Regional Office Building 3, 7th and D Streets, SW, Washington, DC.

Remember that waivers can only be granted if you can demonstrate that meeting the five percent FWS community service requirement would cause hardship for students at your institution. The waiver request must be in writing and must detail the specific hardship that would be imposed on your students. The request must be signed by a school official and must include the following statement:

"I certify that the information the institution provided in this waiver request is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information is subject to audit and program review by representatives of the Secretary of Education."

Waiver requests must be submitted by close of business, June 18, 1999. A waiver request sent by mail must be postmarked no later than June 18, 1999.

If you have questions on this process, you should call the Financial Management Specialist identified on the listing that was attached to CB-99-7. If you cannot reach your Specialist or the alternate identified below the name of your Specialist, you can call (202) 708-7741.

Thank you for your continued support of the Campus-Based Programs.


Michele Selvage, Director
Institutional Financial Management Division
Accounting and Financial Management Service
Office of Student Financial Assistance