DCLPublicationDate: 1/1/99 DCLID: CB-99-2 AwardYear: Summary: Changes in the 2000-2001 FISAP for the Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Programs. January 1999 CB-99- 2 SUMMARY:Changes in the 2000-2001 FISAP for the Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Programs. REFERENCE: The Student Financial Aid Handbook, Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8. Dear Financial Aid Administrator: We are planning to make certain data collection changes to the Fiscal Operations Report for 1998-1999 and Application to Participate for 2000-2001 (FISAP). Although these proposed changes still require Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval, we are advising you of them in advance of the FISAP distribution in July, for your planning purposes. Please review the following 2000-2001 FISAP Award Year changes to ensure that your institution can accommodate the proposed new data collection requirements. SPECIAL NOTICE: Beginning with the 2000-2001 Award Year, institutions will be required to submit their FISAP to the Campus-Based contractor via the Department of Education's Enterprise Gateway. Institutions will use the EDconnect software to transmit their FISAP data through Enterprise Gateway to the Campus-Based contractor. The data will be processed and returned to the school's electronic mailbox. Part I - Identifying Information, Certifications and Warning No major changes. We are requesting that Financial Aid Administrators provide their E:Mail addresses. It should also be noted that all prior year data for currently participating institutions will be inserted into the FISAP software for Part I, fields 1 through 5. Part II - Application to Participate Sections A, D, & E No changes. Section B A new Section B has been added for future use by ED. Section C A new field six is now available for institutions that wish to apply for waivers because they are designated as eligible for Title III. As of October 1, 1998, the Federal Perkins Loan-Expanded Lending Option was eliminated. Therefore, the old field six that requested participation in the program has been replaced. Section F Beginning with the 2000-2001 award year, institutions must select "yes" or "no" if they have a traditional calendar. The inappropriate traditional or non-traditional field will be deactivated. Sections G & H No change. Note that there are field and Section number changes in Part II. Part III - Federal Perkins Loan Program Report Sections A The new fields 17 and 38 have been added to include cancellations for loans discharged due to closed schools, and cost of loan principal and interest cancelled due to closed schools. Section B The field requesting the name and address of Billing Agents has been eliminated. Section C No changes. Section D and E Beginning with the 2000-2001 award year, institutions must select "yes" or "no" if they had less than 30 borrowers who entered repayment in the 1997-1998 award year. The inappropriate section will be deactivated. Note that there are field number changes in Part III. Part IV - Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program Sections A, C, D, & E No changes. Section B The new fields 4, 5, and 6 have been added in compliance with the HEA of 1998 which, as of October 1, allowed institutions to carry forward 1998-1999 FSEOG funds to be spent in 1999-2000, and to carry back 1999-2000 FSEOG funds to be spent in 1998-1999. Institutions may also carry back additional 1999-2000 funds to be spent for summer enrollment through June 30, 1999. Section F Institutions may now report FSEOG prior year recoveries for award years 1997-1998 through 1993-1994. Note that there are field number changes in Part IV. Part V - Federal Work-Study Program Sections A, B, C, D, & E No changes. Section F Institutions may now report FWS prior year recoveries for award years 1997-1998 through 1993-1994. Sections G & H No changes. Section I Section I has been adjusted to collect combined information on FWS reading tutors of children and tutors in family literacy programs. In field 27, institutions will report the number of students employed as FWS reading tutors of children and tutors in family literacy programs. In field 28, the federal share of earned compensation for FWS reading tutors of children and tutors in family literacy programs will be reported. In field 29, the total earned compensation for FWS reading tutors of children and tutors in family literacy programs will be reported. Note that there are field number changes in Part V. Part VI - Program Summary Section A & B No changes. If you have any questions reqarding these FISAP changes, please direct them to your Campus-Based Programs Financial Management Specialist identified on the attached listing. Sincerely, Michele Selvage, Director Institutional Financial Management Division Attachment A Attachment B |