DCLPublicationDate: 1/1/99 DCLID: GEN-99-3 AwardYear: Summary: This letter is a Year 2000 disclosure notice* on the 1998 - 1999 Quality Assurance Program (QAP).
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January 1999
GEN-99-03 Dear Colleague: This letter is a Year 2000 disclosure notice* on the 1998 - 1999 Quality Assurance Program (QAP).
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) and National Computer Systems, the software development contractor for QAP, are pleased to inform you that the January 1999 release of QAP, which ED issues to institutions participating in Institutional Quality Assurance Program, is Year 2000 ready. Additional information on ED's Year 2000 activities can be found on its web page at www.ed.gov.
QAPs Year 2000 readiness was obtained through assessment, renovation, and testing. Although QAP will function properly on January 1, 2000 and beyond, it is a 1998 - 1999 product that contains edits to prohibit the entry of dates after December 31, 1999.
Institutions use the QAP to calculate data readings on which quality improvements may be based for the subsequent award cycles.
__________________________________ Jerry Russomano Director, Program Systems Service Office of Student Financial Assistance Program U S Department of Education
__________________________________ Dick Schwab Vice President and General Manager National Computer Systems Government Services Division
Disclaimer: This statement does not constitute a warranty and is provided merely to facilitate users in planning for their transition to year 2000. This compliance means this software will not produce errors processing dates in connection with the century change to year 2000 when used with accurate data in accordance with its documentation, provided all other products (e.g., other software, firmware, and hardware) used with it properly exchange date data compliantly. The U.S. Department of Education and National Computer Systems assume no liability or responsibility for the use or the consequences of the use of this product.
*Statements made to you in the course of this letter are subject to the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act (P.L. 105-271). In the case of a dispute, this Act may reduce your legal rights regarding the use of any such statements, unless otherwise specified. |