DCLPublicationDate: 8/1/98 DCLID: GEN-98-17 AwardYear: Summary: Electronic dissemination to replace many SFA mailings. August 1998 GEN-98-17 Subject: Electronic dissemination to replace many SFA mailings. Dear Colleague, This letter announces our intention to cease mailing Federal Registers and most Action Letters and Dear Colleague letters as of August 1, 1998. Since April 1998, in addition to printing and mailing these documents, we have been making them electronically available on our "Information for Financial Aid Administrators" (IFAP) Web site at: http://ifap.ed.gov SFA Program regulations require schools to be able to electronically access our Web site, effective July 1, 1998. (This notice was published in the Federal Register on September 19, 1997, and was discussed in Dear Colleague letter GEN-97-11.) IFAP offers several major advantages over the printed page: We can provide program updates to you on the same day that the information is available. The IFAP web site contains a complete archive of our Dear Colleague letters and Federal Registers related to student aid as far back as 1995, collected, organized, and available to you on-line 24 hours a day. Using the search capabilities available on our Web site, you can locate references by speedily searching the electronic documents for issues of interest to you. You do not have to subscribe to a mailing list or update your address on a mailing list--IFAP is available to everyone with Web access. If a Dear Colleague letter or other document is especially lengthy, or if it contains pages that would be difficult to replicate on the Web, such as a mockup of the Student Aid Report, we will print and mail it. Please note that we will continue to print and distribute our publications and manuals, such as the Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook. We are enclosing a brochure and a bookmark to let you know about the full range of SFA information and services now available on the Web. We hope that you will find the brochure and bookmark to be useful tools as we explore new and exciting ways to support financial aid recipients and professional staff through the World Wide Web. Sincerely, Diane E. Rogers Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Student Financial Assistance Programs Enclosures* * [[Brochure and Bookmark are currently not available for viewing]] |