DCLPublicationDate: 3/1/98 DCLID: ANN-98-2 AwardYear: Summary: This letter describes two training series on the 1998-99 EDExpress for Windows software: one on application processing and the other on packaging. Workshop schedules and registration forms are included. March 1998 ANN-98-2 SUMMARY: This letter describes two training series on the 1998-99 EDExpress for Windows software: one on application processing and the other on packaging. Workshop schedules and registration forms are included. Dear Colleague: We are pleased to announce a series of workshops on the 1998-99 EDExpress for Windows application processing and packaging software. These workshops are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) Student Financial Assistance Programs, and will be offered from April through June 1998 in the U.S. Department of Education's Regional Training Facilities. EDExpress is the ED-developed software that enables schools to process Title IV data electronically using the Department's Electronic Data Exchange (EDE). This training will introduce new users to the concepts of EDE, and will provide "hands-on" training on the new 1998-99 "student-based" software. The training is intended for financial aid personnel who have day-to-day responsibility for electronic application processing. It will benefit those who are not yet enrolled or who have recently enrolled in EDE, as well as those who are new to EDExpress software. The application processing training is a one-day workshop and the packaging training is a separate two-day training. A registration form is included for each type of training. The one-day application processing workshop includes: EDExpress set up The electronic FAFSA Computer based training (simulation software) demonstrating institution set up, entering electronic FAFSAs, transmitting data through EDconnect for Windows, retrieving Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs), and electronic financial aid data management. The two-day packaging training workshop includes: Computer-based training (simulation software) demonstrating set up for the academic year, budgets, document tracking and financial aid funds Importing Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) Award methodologies Queries For the second day of this training participants may use either their school's budget, fund types, and academic year information, or the sample data provided in the training. This information will be used to complete worksheets for all of the set up functions, enter set up functions into EDExpress, create awards, and print letters and reports based on the data entered. All of these activities will be completed using "live" EDExpress software. Please note that while the one-day application processing workshops will be offered in each of the ten ED Regional Training Facilities, the two-day packaging workshops will be offered only in the New York, Atlanta, and San Francisco facilities. Because this is "hands-on" computer training the size of each class is limited, and registration is absolutely required. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and due to limited space, participation by any one institution is limited to four persons. Trainees should register for the desired training session using the appropriate enclosed forms. Registration will be confirmed by return FAX. This training is free of charge; however participants must arrange and pay for their own transportation, meals and lodging. If you have any questions about the training, please call one of the contact persons listed on the enclosed schedule. On behalf of the Student Financial Assistance Programs, we look forward to your participation in this training series. Sincerely, Diane E. Rogers Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary Student Financial Assistance Programs Enclosures [[This file contains the "1998 EdExpress Application Processing and Packaging Training Schedule" in Portable Document format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]] [[This file contains the 1998 EdExpress Training Application in Portable Document format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]] |