DCLPublicationDate: 11/1/97 DCLID: CB-97-16 AwardYear: Summary: Cover letter for 1998-99 FISAP Edit/Verification Process FEDERAL STUDENT FINANCIAL AID HANDBOOK REFERENCE: This letter supplements the information in Chapter 5, Section 3 of the 1997-98 Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook. Dear Financial Aid Administrator: We have completed the editing of your institution's 1996-97 Fiscal Operations Report/1998-99 Application to Participate (FISAP) for the Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and/or Federal Work-Study Programs. Enclosed is a FISAP edit/verification diskette containing data you submitted on your institution's FISAP. Your careful review of the data on the enclosed diskette and the timely submission of any corrections to these data, along with the Edit/Verification Signature Page, are critical to the calculation of your institution's 1998-99 funding levels for these programs. Instructions for the proper review and correction of data are contained in the FISAP User Guide, Section 3, that was mailed to your institution in August along with your institution's FISAP diskette. Please address each error message listed on your data diskette, either by providing corrected data or an explanation to justify the original entry. Your explanation should be typed on your additional information electronic screen. After you have verified the data on the enclosed diskette, please respond within two weeks of receipt, if possible. However, we must receive your response postmarked no later than December 5, 1997. If you are sending corrected data via a modem, the transmission must also be completed by December 5, 1997. All changes/corrections must be accompanied by your signed Edit/Verification Signature Page and mailed to: FISAP Edits c/o Universal Automation Labs 8300 Colesville Road, 5th Floor Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 The signed signature page must be returned even when there are no corrections or changes being made. The edit signature page can be printed from the data diskette software. If you require assistance in the verification and correction of the enclosed data, please call the Campus-Based Financial Management Specialist for your state. Sincerely, Michele Selvage Director Institutional Financial Management Division Enclosures INSTITUTIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION CAMPUS-BASED PROGRAMS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS Mrs. C. Franklin-Jones (202) 708-9183 AL,AK,AZ,CO,CT, alternate -Carolyn Short DE,GA,KY,RI,VT Mrs. Rhonda Herbert (202) 708-9191 AR,DC,HI,TN, alternate -Jim Porter TX,VA,PI,GU Mrs. Mary Hubbard (202) 708-9230 OK alternate -Mrs. Rhonda Herbert Mr. Joseph Morris (202) 708-8745 ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,MO alternate -Alice Payne Ms. Dinah Nelson (202) 708-8759 FL,MS,OH,PA alternate -Vicki Roberson Mrs. Alice Payne (202) 708-9754 CA,SC alternate -Joseph Morris Mr. Jim Porter (202) 708-7752 NC,ND,OR,SD, alternate -Rhonda Herbert WA,WV,WI,WY Ms. Vicki Roberson (202) 708-7747 LA,ME,MD, alternate -Dinah Nelson MA,MI,MN,MT Ms. Carolyn Short (202) 708-9184 NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY, alternate -C. Franklin-Jones PR,UT,VI Financial Management Specialist Fax(202) 260-0522 (202) 401-0387 If ultimately you are unable to reach your Financial Management Specialist at the above telephone number, you may call the alternate identified below the name of your Financial Management Specialist or call (202) 708-7741. |