DCLPublicationDate: DCLID: AwardYear: Summary: This letter accompanies the supplemental awards issued in response to the Application for Additional Allocation of Federal Work Study Funds for Fiscal Year 1997. REFERENCE: This letter supplements Chapter 7 of the Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook. CB-97-11 SUMMARY: This letter accompanies the supplemental awards issued in response to the Application for Additional Allocation of Federal Work Study Funds for Fiscal Year 1997. REFERENCE: This letter supplements Chapter 7 of the Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook. Dear Financial Aid Administrator: I am pleased to announce that your institution has been awarded supplemental funds in the Federal Work Study (FWS) Program for the 1997-98 award year as indicated on the enclosed Campus-Based Program Award Letter. Your school qualified for this additional funding based upon your recent submission of a certification that 50 percent or more of your 1990-91 Federal Pell Grant recipients either graduated or transferred to a four-year college. The total request for additional funds received from the more than 725 schools that provided similar certifications totaled over $100 million, greatly exceeding the $13 million that is available under the provisions of Section 442(a)(4) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Thus, we have allocated the $13 million using a formula that takes into account both the actual number of Federal Pell Grant recipients at each school and the percentage of those Pell Grant recipients to the schools total undergraduate enrollment. However, no school received more funding than it had requested. As you know, you are required to expend only 5 percent of your total FWS allocation, including these supplemental funds, for community service. However, it is our hope that you will voluntarily commit to using all of these supplemental funds for community service, including employing FWS students as reading tutors for children of pre-school age and those in elementary school. Such expenditures are eligible for the waiver of the normal FWS matching requirement as provided in the recent change to the FWS regulations published on November 27, 1997. You may find the booklet entitled Expanding Federal Work-Study and Community Service Opportunities useful in this effort. Your school should have received two copies of this publication in late May. If you have further questions, you may fax them to Vince Huntley at (202) 401-0387. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth M. Hicks Deputy Assistant Secretary for Student Financial Assistance Programs Enclosures |