DCLPublicationDate: 9/1/97 DCLID: ANN-97-10 AwardYear: Summary: This letter describes a nationwide series of Fiscal Officer Training Workshops and lists the sites, dates, and registration procedures. September 1997 ANN-97-10 SUMMARY: This letter describes a nationwide series of Fiscal Officer Training Workshops and lists the sites, dates, and registration procedures. Dear Colleague: We are pleased to announce an upcoming series of Fiscal Officer Training Workshops. The two-day workshops will focus on accounting, recordkeeping, and reporting elements that postsecondary institutions need to know in order to administer the student financial aid programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act. 1. WHAT WILL BE COVERED AT THE WORKSHOP? Fiscal Officer Training features nine highly interactive sessions that either supersede or expand on topics covered in the Fiscal Officer Training in 1995, and in the 1995 edition of The Blue Book: ACCOUNTING, RECORDKEEPING, AND REPORTING BY POSTSECONDARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR FEDERALLY-FUNDED STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS. Topics will include the new recordkeeping and audit requirements, new financial risk ratio regulations, new cash management provisions, and the new Grants Administration and Payments System (GAPS). The training will also cover long- standing issues involved with institutional responsibilities, the management of Campus-Based Program funds, and the administration of refunds and repayments. An accounting issues session will be entirely devoted to case studies. The final session will cover Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) and other current issues. At the end of each workshop day, a separate question and answer session will be scheduled to give every workshop trainee an opportunity to raise further questions and concerns. For more details on the agenda, please refer to ENCLOSURE A. 2. WHO SHOULD ATTEND THE WORKSHOP? The training is designed for fiscal officers at the intermediate level, including comptrollers, bursars, cashiers, bookkeepers, and other business office staff at postsecondary institutions. Prospective trainees should have at least one year of experience with the fiscal administration of the Title IV aid programs. We are not encouraging financial aid administrators to attend the 1997 workshops, unless they have similar fiscal administration experience. 3. WHERE, WHEN, AND HOW LONG ARE THE WORKSHOPS? Thirty-two workshops will be offered from October 27 to December 19, 1997 within the continental U.S., Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. All workshops will be held at hotels, except for the workshop in Hawaii, which will convene at a postsecondary institution. Please refer to ENCLOSURE B for the address, telephone number, and date of each workshop. Each day of the workshop will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at approximately 5:00 p.m., including lunch and breaks. 4. HOW DO I REGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOP? We are using our automated phone-in registration system for this workshop series. Please call 1-800-341-5682 to register. A series of menus and prompts will guide you through registration. YOU SHOULD HAVE CERTAIN INFORMATION AT HAND WHEN YOU CALL, including: - The two-digit code number of your desired workshop; it is found to the left of each workshop listed in ENCLOSURE B; - Your telephone and fax numbers; and - Your Title IV school code number. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO GIVE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Instead, the system will assign a confirmation number for each person registered. Please record and keep this confirmation number should you later want to make a change or cancellation, and register for only one workshop, as space is limited. IF SPACE IS AVAILABLE AT THE WORKSHOP, you will be told that you are confirmed for attendance at that workshop and you will be given a confirmation number. This verbal confirmation will be the only one you will receive from the system -- no paper confirmation will be sent to you. The registration system tracks the number of attendees at each workshop and produces a sign-in sheet for each workshop (the Record of Attendance form). IF SPACE IS NOT AVAILABLE, you will be told during your call and allowed to choose another workshop. When your call concludes, you will have an option to register up to four more persons. AFTER REGISTERING FOR A WORKSHOP, IF YOU NEED TO CANCEL OR CHOOSE A DIFFERENT WORKSHOP, please call 1-800-341-5682. As with your initial registration, menus and prompts will take you through this process. Because of limited space, we ask you to make changes as soon as possible. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ACCESS THE PHONE-IN REGISTRATION SYSTEM, please call the registration assistance line at (202) 205-2667 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. This line will help you use the phone-in registration system and, if needed, provide you with the services of a sign language interpreter at your workshop. However, this line cannot give information about other training or register you. After hours you may leave a voice mail message and we will return your call. 5. WHAT COSTS ARE INVOLVED, WHAT MATERIALS WILL BE PROVIDED, AND WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING TO THE WORKSHOP? Fiscal Officer Training has no registration or materials fees. However, registrants should arrange and pay for their own transportation, meals and lodging. Please note that a limited number of rooms have been reserved at a group rate at each of the hotel workshop sites. Each hotel will have a set date when the group rate will expire. Your reservations should be made only after you have been confirmed for attendance at your workshop. If you have any questions about the hotel or postsecondary institution site, including directions or parking, please telephone the site. Every registered participant at the workshop will receive a free copy of the Participant's Guide: Fiscal Officer Training Workshop. Please bring a two-inch thick, three-ring binder for the Guide, and a pocket calculator so that you can more easily follow the lecture and participate in the exercises. 6. WILL CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (CPE) CREDITS BE OFFERED TO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS WHO COMPLETE A WORKSHOP? We are currently seeking sponsorship for CPE credits for Fiscal Officer Training. An application for registration was sent to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA); New York State Board for Public Accountancy; Illinois Department of Professional Regulation; and Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. We expect to be registered by all four entities before the start of the workshops. The automated registration procedure allows you to indicate whether or not you wish to take this training for Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) credits for CPA licensure in your state. IF YOU DO, YOU WILL NEED TO ATTEND THE ENTIRE WORKSHOP AND SIGN A RECORD OF ATTENDANCE FORM IN THE MORNING AND AFTERNOON OF EACH DAY IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE CPE CREDITS. Each trainee at the workshop who meets those requirements will receive either a Certificate of Attendance at the end of the workshop or a letter serving the same purpose after the workshop concludes. Both documents will indicate the number of CPE credits earned. We believe participation in Fiscal Officer Training will assist you in the administration of the Title IV aid programs at your postsecondary institution. Thank you in advance for your interest in this training. Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Hicks Deputy Assistant Secretary Student Financial Assistance Programs Enclosures ENCLOSURE A: AGENDA CONTENTS 1997 Fiscal Officer Training OVERALL AGENDA Day One INTRODUCTORY SESSION SESSION 1: Institutional Responsibilities and Recordkeeping SESSION 2: Audits and Financial Responsibility SESSION 3: Financial Risk Ratios SESSION 4: Managing Campus-Based Program Funds SESSION 5: Cash Management PART 1 QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION OVERALL AGENDA Day Two SESSION 6: Refunds and Repayments SESSION 7: Accounting Issues SESSION 8: Grants Administration and Payments System, or GAPS SESSION 9: Reauthorization and Other Current Issues PART 2 QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION DETAILED AGENDA INTRODUCTORY SESSION: A. Overview of the Workshop B. Main Workshop Objectives C. Workshop Agenda D. Workshop Materials and Reference Sources SESSION 1: INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND RECORDKEEPING: A. General Responsibilities 1. Institutional Eligibility 2. Financial Responsibility 3. Administrative Capability 4. Separation of Functions B. Individual Office Responsibilities 1. The Office of the President/CEO 2. The Financial Aid Office 3. The Business Office 4. The Loan Collection Office C. Record Retention 1. Program Records 2. Fiscal Records 3. Required Records for Administering Title IV Funds 4. Minimum Length of Time Records Must Be Maintained 5. Formats for Record Retention 6. Access Requirements SESSION 2: AUDITS AND FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: A. Overview of Recent Changes in Requirements B. Audit Changes and Requirements 1. Separate Submission of Audited Financial Statement is Eliminated 2. Compliance Audit and Audited Financial Statemen 3. Partial Audit may be Required 4. Requirements for Foreign Schools 5. Additional Disclosure Requirements for Proprietary Schools 6. Close-Out Audits C. Financial Responsibility Changes and Requirements 1. Current Standards for FinancialResponsibility 2. Refund Reserve Performance Exemption D. ED's New Approach to Institutional Oversight 1. Case Management Process 2 Risk Analysis Model 3. Action Taken 4. The New IPOS (Institutional Participation and Oversight Service in ED) SESSION 3: FINANCIAL RISK RATIOS: Session contents not yet finalized. SESSION 4: MANAGING CAMPUS-BASED PROGRAM FUNDS: A. Participation in the Campus-Based Programs 1. The Funding Process 2. Allocation of Funds B. Federal Perkins Loan Program 1. Elimination of New NDSL Loans 2. Sources of Perkins Loan Funds 3. Level of Expenditure 4. Expanded Lending Option C. Federal Work-Study Program 1. FWS Funding 2. Federal and Nonfederal Shares 3. FWS Programs and Job Types D. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program E. Administrative Cost Allowances F. Transfer and Carry Forward/Carry Back Provisions G. Case Study Appendix: State Commissions for National and Community Service SESSION 5: CASH MANAGEMENT: A. Requesting Funds 1. Payment Methods 2. Projecting Cash Needs 3. Drawing Down Funds 4. Special Program Circumstances B. Maintaining Funds 1. Bank Accounts 2. Interest Earnings C. Disbursing Funds 1. Payment Period Requirements 2. Definition of Disbursement 3. Methods of Disbursing and Delivering Funds to Students 4. Authorizations and Required Notices 5. Making Title IV Disbursements D. Returning Funds 1. Excess Cash 2. Deobligating Campus-Based Funds 3. Returning FFEL Program Funds PART 1 QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION: Contents to be determined by trainers and trainees at each workshop. SESSION 6: REFUNDS AND REPAYMENTS: A. Determining whether Refunds and Repayments are Required 1. Ineligible Recipient Versus Refund/Repayment 2. Situations Requiring Refund or Repayment Calculations B. Determining Which Refund Calculations must be Performed 1. When Pro Rata Refunds Apply 2. When Pro Rata Refunds Do Not Apply 3. State and Accrediting Agency Refunds C. Calculating Refunds and Repayments 1. Withdrawal Record 2. Calculating Refunds 3. Calculating Repayments 4. Allocating Refunds and Repayments D. Required Disclosures on School Refund and Repayment Policies E. Case Studies SESSION 7: ACCOUNTING ISSUES: A. Case Study 1. Financial Responsibility 1. Financial statements and notes 2. Financial Responsibility Issues B. Case Study 2: FWS Funding Calculations 1. America Reads Initiative 2. Community Service wages C. Case Study 3: FWS Funds Management 1. Avoiding deobligation D. Case Study 4: FSEOG Funds Management 1. Making more FSEOG funds available E. Case Study 5: Administrative Cost Allowance 1. Calculating ACA 2. Journal entries for ACA F. Case Study 6: Matching FSEOG Funds 1. General ledger entries G. Case Study 7: General Ledger and Balance Sheet 1. Perkins Loan accounting 2. Entries in general ledger 3. Effect on balance sheet H. Case Study 8: Drawing Down Federal Funds 1. Disbursement timing I. Case Study 9: MEERS and ED/PMS Reporting 1. Reconciling school accounts with MEERS and ED/PMS data SESSION 8: GRANTS ADMINISTRATION AND PAYMENTS SYSTEM: Session contents not yet finalized. SESSION 9: REAUTHORIZATION AND OTHER CURRENT ISSUES: A. ED's Approach to Reauthorization B. The Hope and Opportunity for Postsecondary Education Act C. School Recertification D. New NSLDS Milestones E. Project EASI F. Single Identifier Initiative G. FAFSA on the Web PART 2 QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION: Contents to be determined by trainers and trainees at each workshop. ENCLOSURE B: REGIONAL WORKSHOP SCHEDULE 1997 FISCAL OFFICER TRAINING PHONE-IN REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1-800-341-5682 REGION I: CONNECTICUT, MAINE, MASSACHUSETTS, NEW HAMPSHIRE, RHODE ISLAND, AND VERMONT: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 01 Radisson Hotel and November 4-5, 1997 Conference Center (near Hartford, CT) 100 Berlin Road Cromwell, Connecticut 06416 TELEPHONE: 860-635-2000 02 Boston Park Plaza Hotel and December 9-10, 1997 Towers 64 Arlington Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116-3912 Telephone: 617-426-2000 REGION II : NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, PUERTO RICO, AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 03 Caribe Hilton October 28-29, 1997 Los Rosales Street (San Geromo Grounds) San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902-1872 TELEPHONE: 787-721-0303 04 Loews New York Hotel October 30-31, 1997 569 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10022 TELEPHONE: 212-752-7000 05 Albany Omni Hotel November 6-7, 1997 State and Lodge Streets Albany, New York 12207 TELEPHONE: 518-462-6611 06 Sheraton Eatontown Hotel December 2-3, 1997 and Conference Center (near NYC) Route 35 & Industrial Way East Eatontown, New Jersey 07724 TELEPHONE: 908-542-6500 REGION III: DELAWARE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA, AND WEST VIRGINIA: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 07 DoubleTree Hotel Pittsburgh October 27-28, 1997 1000 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-3873 TELEPHONE: 412-281-3700 08 DoubleTree Hotel Philadelphia November 4-5, 1997 Broad Street at Locust Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 TELEPHONE: 215-893-1600 09 Richmond Marriott Hotel December 15-16, 1997 500 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 TELEPHONE: 804-643-3400 REGION IV: ALABAMA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, KENTUCKY, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, AND TENNESSEE: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 10 Regal Maxwell House October 28-29, 1997 2025 MetroCenter Boulevard Nashville, Tennessee 37228-1505 TELEPHONE: 615-259-4343 11 Omni Rosen Hotel November 17-18, 1997 9840 International Drive Orlando, Florida 32819-8122 TELEPHONE: 407-354-9840 12 Omni Hotel at CNN Center December 2-3, 1997 100 CNN Center Atlanta, Georgia 30335 TELEPHONE: 404-659-0000 13 Adam's Mark Hotel in Charlotte December 9-10, 1997 555 South McDowell Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 TELEPHONE: 704-372-4100 REGION V : ILLINOIS, INDIANA, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, OHIO, AND WISCONSIN: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 14 Embassy Suites October 30-31, 1997 2700 Corporate Exchange Drive Columbus, Ohio 43231 TELEPHONE: 614-890-8600 15 East Lansing Marriott at November 17-18, 1997 University Place 300 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing, Michigan 48823 TELEPHONE: 517-337-4440 16 Minneapolis Hilton and Towers December 15-16, 1997 1001 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 TELEPHONE: 612-376-1000 17 Chicago Marriott Downtown December 18-19, 1997 540 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 TELEPHONE: 312-836-0100 REGION VI: ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI, NEW MEXICO, OKLAHOMA, AND TEXAS: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 18 Clarion Hotel and December 2-3, 1997 Conference Center 4345 North Lincoln Boulevard Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 TELEPHONE: 405-528-2741 19 The Harvey Hotel-Addison December 15-16, 1997 14315 Midway Road Dallas, Texas 75244 TELEPHONE: 972-980-8877 20 Hyatt Regency Hotel December 18-19, 1997 500 Poydras Plaza New Orleans, Louisiana 70113-1805 TELEPHONE: 504-561-1234 REGION VII: IOWA, KANSAS, MISSOURI, AND NEBRASKA: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 21 DoubleTree Hotel Omaha November 18-19, 1997 1616 Dodge Street Omaha, Nebraska 68102 TELEPHONE: 402-346-7600 22 Holiday Inn Select Executive December 11-12, 1997 Center 2200 I-70 Drive, SW Columbia, Missouri 65203-4684 TELEPHONE: 573-445-8531 REGION VIII: COLORADO, MONTANA, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, UTAH, AND WYOMING: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 23 Wyndham Hotel December 2-3, 1997 215 West South Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 TELEPHONE: 801-531-7500 24 Sheraton Billings Hotel December 9-10, 1997 27 North 27th Street Billings, Montana 59101 TELEPHONE: 406-252-7400 REGION IX: ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, HAWAII, NEVADA, AMERICAN SAMOA, GUAM, AND TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 25 Crowne Plaza Phoenix October 29-30, 1997 Downtown 100 North First Street Phoenix, Arizona 85004 TELEPHONE: 602-257-1525 26 Holiday Inn San Jose November 4-5, 1997 North (near San Jose, CA) 777 Bellew Drive Milpitas, California 95035 TELEPHONE: 408-321-9500 27 San Diego Princess Resort November 13-14, 1997 1404 West Vacation Road San Diego, California 92109-7994 TELEPHONE: 619-274-4630 28 Burbank Airport Hilton November 18-19, 1997 and Conference Center 2500 Hollywood Way Burbank, California 91505 TELEPHONE: 818-843-6000 29 Windward Community November 24-25, 1997 College* Eckerdt Building, Rm. 102 45-720 Kea' ahala Road Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 TELEPHONE: 808-235-7449 REGION X: ALASKA, IDAHO, OREGON, AND WASHINGTON: Workshop Workshop Address and Workshop Dates Code Number Telephone Contact Number 30 DoubleTree Hotel Boise November 3-4, 1997 Downtown1 1800 Fairview Avenue Boise, Idaho 83702 TELEPHONE: 208-344-7691 31 DoubleTree Hotel Portland/ December 8-9, 1997 Lloyd Center 1000 NE Multnomah Portland, Oregon 97232 TELEPHONE: 503-281-6111 32 The Westin Seattle Hotel December 18-19, 1997 1900 Fifth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 TELEPHONE: 206-728-1000 * Most hotels available for the Windward Community College workshop are located in Honolulu, Hawaii. |