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(CB-97-09) (CB-97-09) Transmittal letter for the 1998-99 Electronic FISAP diskette package.

DCLPublicationDate: 7/1/97
DCLID: CB-97-9
Summary: Transmittal letter for the 1998-99 Electronic FISAP diskette package.

JULY 1997


SUBJECT: Transmittal letter for the 1998-99 Electronic
FISAP diskette package.

REFERENCE: Chapters 5, 6, 7, & 8 of the Student Financial
Aid Handbook

Dear Financial Aid Administrator:

Enclosed are materials that are essential for the proper preparation
and submission of the 1996-97 Fiscal Operations Report and
1998-99 Application to Participate (FISAP) in the Federal Perkins
Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and
Federal Work-Study programs. They are as follows:

1. Two 3 1/2" high density diskettes

- one Program diskette

- one Return diskette

2. Pre-addressed Diskette Mailer

3. Electronic FISAP User Guide

4. FISAP Instructions Booklet

The Electronic FISAP diskette version requires at least 640K of
installed internal memory AND a DOS version of 5 or higher.



The Expanded Lending Option allows institutions to make loans to
eligible students at higher maximum annual and aggregate loan
limits than is the case with non-participating institutions. An
institution may participate in ELO if it has a cohort default rate that
is equal to or less than 15 percent, will receive a Federal Capital
Contribution (FCC) for the 1998-99 award year, and has participated
in the Federal Perkins Loan Program for the 1996-97 and 1997-98
award years. If your institution elects to participate in the ELO, a
dollar-for-dollar match of the institution's 1998-99 award year
FCC will be required. Participation in the ELO will not result in an
increase of FCC. All other Federal Perkins Loan administrative
procedures would remain the same as for institutions not
participating in the ELO. For complete information on ELO annual
and aggregate loan limits, refer to the 1996-97 Federal Student
Financial Aid Handbook (Chapter 6, page 6-12).

Qualified institutions may request participation in the Expanded
Lending Option by selecting the "Yes" box in Part II of Section C,
and submitting a signed Institutional Agreement for Participation.
You may print the ELO Institutional Agreement from the Electronic
FISAP software. Refer to your User Guide for specific printing


You will now be able to access the 1998-99 Drug-Free Workplace,
Anti-Lobbying, and Debarment Certifications forms directly from
the Electronic FISAP software. Your User Guide will give you
specific instructions on how to print these compliance certification


Your acknowledgement that the Department of Education has
entered your institution's FISAP into our data base for processing
will be your receipt of a FISAP edit/verification diskette this fall. If
you do not receive it by December 1, 1997, please call one of our
Campus-Based Financial Management Specialists. The 1998-99
Tentative Funding Notifications will be mailed to all applicant
institutions by February 1, 1998.


If your institution released any 1996-97 unexpended authorization
earlier this summer on the Campus-Based Reallocation Form
(E40-4P), and you have not yet received an adjusted 1996-97
authorization letter showing that reduction, enter the reduced
authorization amount in Parts III, IV, and/or V of your FISAP, as
appropriate. Your final adjusted authorization will equal the original
1996-97 allocation plus any supplemental allocations minus any
amount released in Section A of the ED Form E40-4P.


A complete FISAP submission consists of the following items:

- FISAP data (diskette or transmitted via modem)

- FISAP signature page printed from your diskette ( original
signatures required)

- Compliance certification forms (original signatures required)

- Federal Perkins Loan-Expanded Lending Option (ELO)
Institutional Agreement for Participation (if applicable)

Please refer to the User Guide for complete mailing instructions.
Your Electronic FISAP must be submitted (mailed or transmitted)
by October 1, 1997. Any questions that you might have concerning
the preparation of the FISAP should be referred to the appropriate
Campus-Based Financial Management Specialist listed in the FISAP
Instructions Booklet. Questions concerning submission of the data
should be referred to one of the Electronic FISAP Administrators.

Sincerely yours,

Michele Selvage, Director
Institutional Financial Management
