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(ANN-97-07) (ANN-97-07) Title IV Single Identifier Initiative U.S. Department of Education Washington, D.C. 20202-5132 -- To Financial Aid Administrator

DCLPublicationDate: 6/1/97
Summary: Title IV Single Identifier Initiative U.S. Department of Education
Washington, D.C. 20202-5132 -- To Financial Aid Administrator

Dear Financial Aid Administrator:

In March 1997 we wrote to you about the Department's
initiative to implement a single identifier for an institution to
use when it participates in the Federal Student Financial
Assistance Programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, as amended.

The purpose of this communication is to provide you with a
report containing all program identifier information about
your institution's participation which we maintain on our
data systems. Prior to assigning a single identifier we want
to reaffirm with you that the information we maintain on
your institution is current and accurate. The enclosed
Program Identifier Report (PIR) contains the identification
information we have on our data systems. Please note that
one copy of the PIR is being provided to you with the
Business Officer receiving a copy of this Information

The PIR is divided into three sections:
- Section 1 contains the name and address of your
institution. This information was provided during the
initial or subsequent certification process(es) for
participation in the Title IV student aid programs. The
address listed is the legal address for your institution
and may not be the address(es) at which student
financial aid information is received. Section 1 also
lists the identifiers CURRENTLY ASSIGNED TO

- Section 2, "Other Locations", provides the name and
address information that was provided about your
institution's other sites. These may be non-main
campus educational locations or schools within your
institution for which you have requested a separate
delineation. These may also be administrative sites at
which electronic data is exchanged, student financial
aid administered, or loan origination sites. Finally we
list any Pell, Campus-Based or Direct Loan program
identifier(s) that may be associated with each site
(including duplicate program identifiers that were used
to identify the main campus).

- Section 3, "Federal Family Education Loan
Programs", lists any FFEL identifier(s) that, at one
point or another during the previous thirty-five years,
were used by your institution (or its predecessor). The
National Student Loan Data System maintains a
"crosswalk" of inactive loan identifiers to current loan
identifiers, and uses the crosswalk in calculating your
institution's student loan cohort default rate.

As the Financial Aid Administrator or Business Officer for
your institution we look to you to correct any erroneous, no
longer current, or incomplete information contained in the
report. Please note that if your institution recently submitted
its recertification application for continued participation in
the Title IV programs, the information contained in the
recertification application may not be reflected in the PIR as
the recertification application is still in process. If
corrections are necessary and your institution has multiple
financial aid offices and/or business offices, you should
include corrections from these other offices in your response.
You may provide the Single Identifier Initiative Team with
any corrections or additions by -

- ACCESSING OUR WEB SITE and making whatever
corrections are necessary. Our web site address is To access and correct your
institution's identifier information, click on the SII
icon. You must use your institution's 8 digit OPEID
and the "Payee Identification Number" (PIN) as the
password. If your institution participates in the Federal
Direct Student Loan Program (FDSLP) an additional

PIN was assigned for that purpose. YOU MAY NOT
screens are available to provide any assistance you may
need as you correct the information.

MAIL. Any corrections must include the Office of
Postsecondary Education Identifier (OPEID) and the
name of the institution, the name and telephone
number of a person whom we may contact for
clarifying information. Our electronic mail address is Electronic mail corrections should be
sent "return receipt requested" to assure you of our
receipt of the corrected information you provided.

- FAXING CORRECTIONS. You may fax us any
corrections to your institution's information. Our
facsimile number is 202.260.5909. You must include a
fax cover page with the name and telephone number of
a contact person. Facsimile corrections must be
printed on the institution's letterhead and include the

any corrections via regular mail. As with facsimiles,
corrections must be printed on the institution's
letterhead, include the OPEID and the name and
telephone number of a contact person.

If the information printed on the PIR is correct and current
you are not required to provide any additional information.
If the information about your institution does require
correction or emendation, we encourage you to utilize the
web site as this method reduces the likelihood of data entry
error. On the web site you are not required to make all
corrections at the same time. You may access your
institution's information on the web site as often as you
want. We ask that you provide us with any corrective
information by September 30, 1997.

We anticipate providing your institution with another report
later this year. This report will provide you with information
about the Title IV single identifier designated for your
institution and its educational and administrative sites. We
will also advise you of the date(s) after which the new
identifier will signify your institution throughout the student
financial aid community.

Both the Single Identifier Initiative and Project EASI [Easy
Access for Students & Institutions] are predicated upon the
Postsecondary Education Participant System (PEPS)
becoming the sole source of information about a Title IV
participating institution. Later this year PEPS will initiate
electronic export of information about an institution's
participation in the Title IV programs to all SFAP systems,
student loan servicers, and the State and National Student
Loan Guaranty Agencies. Certain types of institutional
information (e.g., current program identifiers, financial aid
and business office addresses, voice and facsimile numbers,
internet address, etc.,) must be accurate and current to assure
smooth transition to electronic interface. Finally, your
institution's new identifier may also be used by State
education, licensing or regulatory bodies, testing agencies,
and other entities providing services to the postsecondary
education community.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us by -
- telephoning 202.708.4608,
- faxing 202.260.5909,
- emailing, or
- visiting the SII booth at the NASFA conference
in Philadelphia.

We are committed to providing you with accurate and timely
information and assistance regarding any questions you have
about your institution's identifier information.


Elizabeth M. Hicks
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Student Financial Assistance