DCLPublicationDate: 4/1/97 DCLID: Disaster Letter-97-13 AwardYear: Summary: Declared disaster area for recent flooding in Arkansas. April 16 1997 SUMMARY: Declared disaster area for recent flooding in Arkansas. Dear Guaranty Agency Director: On April 14, President Clinton DECLARED OUACHITA COUNTY in ARKANSAS to be a disaster area because of severe flooding that began on or about April 4. For borrower-initiated 90-day forbearances under the guidelines first outlined in the January 14, 1997 "Dear Guaranty Agency Director" letter, the April 4 date may be used retroactively. Lenders and guaranty agencies may also grant a borrower-initiated 90-day forbearance on or after the date of this letter if the lender or guarantor believes the borrower needs one. We will notify you if additional areas in Arkansas or other states are designated by the President or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Lenders and guaranty agencies may contact the Department's toll-free number at 1-800-433-7327, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST for further updates. This letter has also been sent to each regional office of the Department, plus the National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs, Inc., the Consumer Bankers Association, and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. Sincerely, Pamela A. Moran Chief, Loans Branch Policy Development Division Student Financial Assistance Programs |