DCLPublicationDate: 2/1/97 DCLID: ANN-97-2 AwardYear: Summary: This letter describes a training series on the 1997-98 EDExpress for Windows application processing software, and lists the sites and dates for the workshops. Dear Colleague: We are pleased to announce a series of workshops on the l997-98 EDExpress for Windows application processing software. These workshops are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education's Student Financial Assistance Programs, and will take place in March, April and May l997 in the U.S. Department of Education's Regional Training Facilities. EDE, the Department's Electronic Data Exchange, is the service that allows schools to electronically process Title IV financial aid data. EDExpress is the software developed by ED to aid schools in those processes. These upcoming workshops will provide training on the application processing function of the new "student-based" 1997-98 EDExpress for Windows software. CONTENT This training is intended for financial aid personnel who have day-to-day responsibility for electronic application processing and other electronic functions. To better meet the needs of these personnel, the training will be divided into sessions for new users of EDE and/or EDExpress, and sessions for current or experienced users of EDExpress. Please review the daily outlines below to determine which day will better meet your specific training needs. DAY ONE - FOR NEW USERS OF EDE AND/OR EDEXPRESS Day One will introduce new users to the concepts of the Electronic Data Exchange and will demonstrate application processing in EDExpress for Windows. This session will benefit those who are not yet enrolled or who have recently enrolled in EDE, as well as those who are new to EDExpress software. Topics for Day One will include: ° Getting started in EDE; ° Enrollment procedures for the Title IV Wide Area Network (TIVWAN); and ° Computer based training (simulation software) in EDExpress for Windows application processing, including institution setup, entering electronic FAFSAs transmitting data through EDconnect for Windows, retrieving Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs), and electronic financial aid data management. DAY TWO - FOR CURRENT USERS OF EDEXPRESS Day Two will provide current users and/or experienced users of EDExpress with hands-on training in the actual EDExpress for Windows application processing software. This session will benefit those who have previously used either the DOS or Windows version of EDExpress. Topics for Day Two will include: ° Introduction to the new "student-based" application processing software, including changes, updates and new features; and ° Hands-on exercises in setup, application entry, importing and exporting using EDconnect for Windows, ISIR processing, and data management. All exercises will be conducted using the actual EDExpress for Windows software. Although Day Two is designed for experienced users, those new users completing Day One training and desiring hands-on experience with the software may be interested in registering for Day Two training as well. REGISTRATION The training will be held in the Department of Education's Regional Training Facilities, as indicated in the enclosed training schedule. Since this is computer training, the size of the classes is limited, and registration is absolutely required. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and, due to limited space, participation by any one institution is limited to four persons. Trainees should register for the appropriate training session using the enclosed form. Registration will be confirmed. This training is free of charge, although participants should arrange and pay for their own transportation, meals and lodging. If you have any questions about the training please call one of the contact persons listed on the enclosed schedule. ED plans to offer additional training on the l997-98 EDE Direct Loan and Packaging software beginning in late April. Please watch for additional training announcements which are mailed to your school and posted on the SFA Bulletin Board System (BBS). On behalf of the Student Financial Assistance Programs, we look forward to your participation in this training series. Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Hicks Deputy Assistant Secretary for Student Financial Assistance |