DCLPublicationDate: 10/1/96 DCLID: GEN-96-19 AwardYear: 1997-1998 Summary: This letter provides an initial draft of the 1997-98 Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) layout and description. October 1996 Action Letter #3 GEN-96-19 96-G-293 SG-96-4 SUMMARY: This letter provides an initial draft of the 1997-98 Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) layout and description. Dear Colleague: We are pleased to provide you a draft layout and description of the 1997-98 Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). The ISIR contains the information reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), as well as key processing results and NSLDS Financial Aid History information. It is transmitted electronically or provided on tape, to postsecondary institutions and state educational agencies. Enclosure 1 to this letter is a list summarizing the fields added, deleted, and modified on the ISIR as compared to the record for 1996-97. Enclosure 2 contains the ISIR layout itself. Changes from 1996-97 are noted: added and modified text are underlined; deleted text is struck through. The record length in 1996-97 was 2,024 bytes; this draft for 1997-98 has 2,360 bytes. Note that the enclosed ISIR layout and description is an early draft, provided so that you can begin to modify your systems for 1997-98. As modifications to the Central Processing System for the 1997-98 processing cycle are tested during the fall of 1996, there may be further changes to the ISIR. An updated draft will be distributed to those attending the Title IV WAN Conferences in Lake Tahoe, Nevada (November 12 to 14) and Atlanta (December 8 to 10). A final version will be distributed as part of the EDE Technical Reference in January, 1997 after the 1997-98 CPS system has been fully tested and placed into production. An electronic copy of the draft ISIR layout, enclosed with this letter, is available for downloading from OPEnet and the ED/BBS in WordPerfect 6.1 format. If you have questions, please call CPS Customer Service at 1-800/330-5947. Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Hicks Deputy Assistant Secretary Student Financial Assistance Programs Enclosure 1: Summary of Changes to the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) for 1997-98 Enclosure 2: Full ISIR Record Description **[The enclosures, samples of Summary of Changes to the ISIR for 1997-98 and Full ISIR Record Description are currently unavailable for viewing on the BBS. Please reference your paper letter for additional information, or follow the instructions, below, for downloading the WordPerfect for Windows version of the letter.]** |