DCLPublicationDate: 8/1/96 SG-96-3 SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1995 (1995-96 award year) State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) Program Performance Report (ED Form 1288-1) REFERENCE: Please refer to Chapter 9 of the 1995-96 Student Financial Aid Handbook for further information Dear State Colleague: Enclosed is a copy of the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) Program Performance Report (ED Form 1288-1) for fiscal year 1995 (1995-96 award year). The deadline for receipt of this report in our office is October 1, 1996. For your convenience, we have enclosed a review sheet to assist you in assuring that the performance report is completed properly. If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact the Pell and State Grant Section at (202) 708-4607. Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Hicks Deputy Assistant Secretary for Student Financial Assistance Enclosures* 1995-96 REVIEW SHEET FOR THE STATE STUDENT INCENTIVE GRANT PROGRAM PERFORMANCE REPORT Please read the instructions for each item before completing the Performance Report. BEFORE YOU MAIL THE STATE STUDENT INCENTIVE GRANT PROGRAM PERFORMANCE REPORT, CHECK THE FOLLOWING: - Be sure you entered the total State (non-Federal) expenditures as requested in item 1. This amount represents the actual expenditure of the projected total amount you reported on item 7 of your FY 1995 application. - The sum of the elements as reported on the form in each column of items 2.a., 2.b., 3., and 4.c., MUST EQUAL the "Totals" reported in each respective column of these items. - The total Federal expenditures in 2.b. MUST BE EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 20 percent of your FY 1995 Federal allotment. - The total number of dependent and independent students reported in items 3. and 4.c. MUST EQUAL the sum of the total number of students reported in items 2.a. and 2.b. - The Federal and State total funds reported in items 3. and 4.c. MUST EQUAL the sum of the Federal and State total funds reported in items 2.a. and 2.b. - The sum of Total State Funds (2.a. + 2.b.) represents the actual expenditure of the projected amount you reported on item 10. of your FY 1995 SSIG application. - Be sure an authorized official of the agency signed and dated the report in Section V. Please provide the agency's current telephone and fax numbers. *[SSIG Program Performance Report is currently not available for viewing on the BBS, but may be requested by contacting the Student Financial Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243.] |