DCLPublicationDate: 8/1/96 DCLID: 96-G-290 AwardYear: Summary: Last Submission Date for Default Reinsurance Requests for FY 1996 August 1996 96-G-290 Subject Last Submission Date for Default Reinsurance Requests for FY 1996 Dear Guaranty Agency Director: This is to remind you that September 6, 1996 is the last date on which the Department of Education (ED) will accept default reinsurance requests for inclusion in the FY 1996 trigger calculation. Requests received by ED after September 6, 1996 will be included in the FY 1997 trigger calculation. Default reinsurance requests are submitted on the Guaranty Agency Monthly Claims and Collections Report (ED Form 1189). Guaranty agencies are encouraged to file the ED Form 1189 as early as possible using the overnight delivery service available from the U.S. Postal Service. This is the only delivery service that may be used. If you have any questions relating to this matter, please contact Judy Mittman at (202) 708-9792. Send your agency's submission to: U.S. Department of Education Guaranteed Student Loan Processing Center P.O. Box 4137 Greenville, Texas 75403-4137 Sincerely, Linda Paulsen, Director Accounting and Financial Management Service |