DCLPublicationDate: 5/1/96 DCLID: CB-96-5 AwardYear: Summary: In late July, institutions will automatically receive an Electronic FISAP Software package with 3 1/2" high density diskettes.
May 1996 CB-96-5
Dear Financial Aid Administrator:
In late July, institutions will automatically receive an Electronic FISAP Software package with 3 1/2" high density diskettes. No further action is required on your part if you can use 3 1/2" high density diskettes. If you are unable to use 3 «" high density diskettes, you must notify us of your preference, using the attached form, by June 1, 1996.
In addition, if you plan to use a servicer to prepare and submit your FISAP data, you should provide us with the name, address, and contact person to ensure that the appropriate servicer receives your FISAP package on time. We will no longer accept FISAP data directly from servicers that do not have written approval from the institution. We have had several instances where more than one servicer has claimed responsibility for a school's data, or have submitted a school's Electronic FISAP with zeros in all of the data fields . This results in inaccurate FISAP reporting and inefficient technical and program support for the institution. We will send your Electronic FISAP package to the servicer of your choice, if you instruct us to do so by completing the enclosed form. The servicer, in turn, should submit your completed and properly signed FISAP package to our contractor.
If you cannot use a 3 1/2" high density package or if you FISAP data will be submitted by a servicer, you must provide this information to our contractor at the address or fax # listed below no later than June 1, 1996.
Electronic FISAP c/o Universal Automation Labs 8300 Colesville Road, Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Fax number: (301) 565-0613
We appreciate your cooperation concerning these matters.
Michele Selvage, Director Institutional Financial Management Division |