DCLPublicationDate: 1/1/96 DCLID: CB-96-2 AwardYear: Summary: Submission of Campus-Based Reallocation Form (E40-4P). January 1996 CB-96-2 (LD) SUBJECT: Submission of Campus-Based Reallocation Form (E40-4P). REFERENCE: Supplement to Chapter 7 of the Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook. Dear Financial Aid Administrator: We have not received a Campus-Based Reallocation Form (E40-4P) from your institution that reflects your institution's 1994-95 expenditures in the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program for community service jobs. We originally requested this form by a postmark date of November 3, 1995. Each institution that participated in the FWS Program during the 1994-95 award year is required to expend a minimum of 5 percent of its total 1994-95 FWS Federal funds to pay students employed in community service jobs. The appropriate vehicle for reporting your institution's compliance with this requirement is the E40-4P form. You MUST complete and submit the E40-4P form if your institution participated in the FWS Program for the 1994-95 award year. According to our records, your institution received such an allocation and, therefore, is required to inform the Department of Education of your institution's community service activity. You MUST report to ED even if your expenditures were zero or some other amount below the 5 percent requirement. We have enclosed another copy of the form for your use. Please complete and return it to the address indicated on the form no later than February 26, 1996. If you have questions regarding these procedures, please direct them to the appropriate Campus-Based State Representative listed at the back of the enclosed document. Sincerely, Michele L. Selvage Director, Institutional Financial Management Division Accounting and Financial Management Service Enclosure |