DCLPublicationDate: 11/1/95 DCLID: CB-95-25 AwardYear: Summary: This letter accompanies the second 1993-94 Federal Perkins Loan Service Cancellations Payment Letter. CB-95-25 (LD) November 1995 SUMMARY: This letter accompanies the second 1993-94 Federal Perkins Loan Service Cancellations Payment Letter. REFERENCE: The Federal Student Financial Aid Handbook, Chapter 6 Dear Financial Aid Administrator: We have enclosed three copies of the supplemental payment letter for reimbursement(s) of the Service Cancellations (Teacher/Military/Volunteer/Law Enforcement/Child/Family/Early Intervention/Nurse/Medical Technician) under the Federal Perkins Loan Program for the 1993-94 award period. In August 1995, your institution received less than 100 percent of the reimbursement due it under Section 465 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, because of insufficient funds in the Fiscal Year 1995 appropriation. However, additional funds have been made available to us for this purpose, so we are now in a position to make up the shortfall. The calculation used to determine the cancellation payments was based on the information contained in the 1993-94 Fiscal Operations Report and edit corrections submitted by your institution. A computerized worksheet is also enclosed which shows the step-by- step calculation of your payment. This supplemental payment will provide to your institution 100 percent of its reimbursement due under Section 465. This will be your final payment under the Federal Perkins Loan Program for the award period 1993-94. If you have any questions regarding the computation of your reimbursement (s), feel free to contact Mr. Joseph Morris of the Institutional Services Branch at (202) 708-8745. Sincerely Yours, Michele L. Selvage, Director Institutional Financial Management Division Accounting and Financial Management Service Enclosures |