DCLPublicationDate: 10/1/95 DCLID: GEN-95-48 AwardYear: 1996-1997 Summary: This letter announces two workshops, "EDE: Your Gateway to the Future," to be held on November 28-30 in San Francisco, California and December 11-13 in Orlando, Florida. Action Letter # 2 GEN-95-48 October 1995 Summary: This letter announces two workshops, "EDE: Your Gateway to the Future," to be held on November 28-30 in San Francisco, California and December 11-13 in Orlando, Florida. Dear Colleague: The U. S. Department of Education cordially invites you to attend a workshop entitled "EDE: Your Gateway to the Future" to be held this fall in San Francisco, CA and Orlando, FL. This three day workshop will offer participants an opportunity to learn about and provide comments on the Department's electronic Title IV application systems. Some of the major presentation and discussion topics will include: - Welcome to the Title IV Wide Area Network (WAN) - Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) Basics - What's New for 1996-97 - Direct Loan Forum and Updates - How to Implement EDE and Direct Loans at your institution - Electronic Pell Payments - Application and Renewal Application Processing Update - Custom System Configuration Issues - Technical Training for all EDE Systems - Introducing FAFSA Express - Developments in the Integrated Student Aid Management Systems (ISAMS) The first conference in San Francisco will begin at 8:45 am on Tuesday, November 28 with a program update for all Direct Loan schools to welcome Year Three schools to the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan program. The full program of concurrent sessions will begin promptly at 1:00 pm. The registration desk will be open Monday, November 27 from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm and again on Tuesday from 8:00 am - 12:30 pm. Federal Direct Loan participants are invited to a Users Group meeting to be held on Thursday, November 30 for Direct Loan schools to share information with each other and ED on ways to better improve the program. The second conference in Orlando, FL will begin at 8:45 am on Monday, December 11 with a program update for all Direct Loan schools to welcome Year Three schools to the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan program. The full program of concurrent sessions will begin promptly at 1:00 pm. The registration desk will be open Sunday, December 10 from 3:00 - 6:00 pm and again on Monday from 8:00 am - 12:30 pm. In addition to the more than 30 concurrent sessions being offered on EDE, the Orlando conference will feature an HBCU Direct Loan Users Group. This session will address the issues of implementing Federal Direct Loans on campus and an opportunity for Year One and Year Two HBCUs to share their approaches to implementation. The discussion will also include information on the improved Institutional Default Prevention System (IDPS) and the ED Electronic Bulletin Board. Federal Direct Loan participants are also invited to a Users Group meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 13 for all Direct Loan schools to share information with each other and ED on ways to better improve the program. Discounted travel to San Francisco, CA and Orlando, FL has been arranged with United Airlines and Delta Airlines. To take advantage of these discounts, call or have your travel agent call the reservations line and provide the meeting ID number. United Airlines (800) 521-4041 Meeting ID: 562WA Delta Airlines (800) 241-6760 Meeting ID: Y2315 A block of rooms is reserved at special workshop rates for all participants. Hotel reservations may be made by calling the conference hotels directly. When making your reservations, please specify that you will be attending the Department of Education workshop. Make your reservations by NOVEMBER 20 to secure a room at the special workshop rates. San Francisco, CA: The Westin St. Francis ($99 tax inclusive) 335 Powell Street San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 397-7000 Orlando, FL: The Omni Rosen Hotel ($66 plus 12 % tax) 9840 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819-8114 (407) 354-9840 A registration form is enclosed and should be completed and returned by NOVEMBER 15, 1995. THERE ARE NO REGISTRATION FEES FOR THESE WORKSHOPS. We encourage your IMMEDIATE response since workshop attendance is limited to the first 700 respondents for each workshop. Please FAX your form to the attention of DEBRA BANKS AT (703) 934-9868. Confirmation of registration will be sent within three days of receipt of your registration form. We hope you will join us for one of these exciting and informative workshops on the Department of Education's electronic initiatives. Sincerely, Leo Kornfeld Senior Adviser to the Secretary Attachment A Attachment B |