DCLPublicationDate: 10/1/95 DCLID: GEN-95-46 AwardYear: Summary: Distribution of the 1995 Fall Training Calendar Student Financial Assistance Programs GEN-95-46 OCTOBER 1995 SUMMARY: Distribution of the 1995 Fall Training Calendar Dear Colleague: Enclosed is the 1995 Fall Training Calendar, which lists student financial aid training offered by state agencies, professional associations, and other student aid-related organizations. These calendars are sent four times a year to financial aid administrators, fiscal officers, and TRIO directors at all participating Title IV schools. The calendar lists training sessions that will be conducted nationwide this fall. Further information on these and similar activities that may be scheduled at later dates may be obtained from the contact listed for a given session or from the sponsoring associations and agencies. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of all training activities that will assist your institution in the effective management of student assistance programs. We are pleased to provide these calendars through the cooperation of the agencies, associations, and organizations involved. We hope that this information will be useful to you in your staff development efforts. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT A SPECIFIC TRAINING SESSION, PLEASE CALL THE CONTACT PERSON LISTED IN THE LAST COLUMN ON THE CALENDAR, If you provide training on issues of general interest to the financial aid community and would like your training listed, please contact Ms. Scarlett Brock at (202) 260-1928. Sincerely, Elizabeth M. Hicks Deputy Assistant Secretary for Student Financial Assistance Programs Attachment |