DCLPublicationDate: 9/1/95 DCLID: GEN-95-43 AwardYear: Summary: How to access Host Site listings for October 19 Videoconference: "SSCR: The New Wave Process." September 1995 GEN-95-43 SUMMARY: How to access Host Site listings for October 19 Videoconference: "SSCR: The New Wave Process." Dear Colleague: The U.S. Department of Education, NSLDS Division, would like to remind Financial Aid Administrators and Registrars as well as representatives from any office involved in the completion of Student Status Confirmation Reports (SSCRs) that there is a videoconference scheduled for Thursday, October 19, 1995 entitled "SSCR: The New Wave Process." The videoconference will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. A list of institutions who have agreed to downlink the videoconference and act as host sites for other viewers will be available through the following media: Electronic Access - Postsecondary Education Network (PEN) - Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Bulletin Board - ACRAO gopher - Regist-L listserve Other Access - Data Dispenser - NetNews - Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4FEDAID Information on host sites will be updated weekly on electronic media and at the SFA Information Center. If you did not receive the previous Dear Colleague Letter announcing this videoconference and you would like to be a host site, please contact the NASFAA Training Project at (202) 785-0453. Institutions wishing to view the videoconference at a host site should contact the site coordinator to make sure that sufficient space is available. Site coordinator names, institutions and phone numbers will be available through the media indicated above. The October videoconference will be broadcast on the following satellites: KU Band - Galaxy 4 (99 degrees West) Transponder 11 Upper, Vertical Downlink Frequency 11945 Mhz, Audio at 6.2 and 6.8 [*PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN SATELLITE COORDINATES FROM ORIGINAL VIDEOCONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT.] C Band - Telstar 401 (97 degrees West) Transponder 16 Horizontal Downlink Frequency 4020 Mhz, Audio at 6.2 and 6.8 If you are unable to view the videoconference live, you may borrow a copy of the videotape. Call 1-800-4FEDAID (toll-free) one week following the videoconference broadcast to request a tape. We look forward to communicating with you on this important topic through interactive technology. Sincerely, Leo L. Kornfeld Senior Advisor to the Secretary |