DCLPublicationDate: 8/1/95 DCLID: CB-95-21 AwardYear: Summary: This letter is a reminder of the 1996-97 Electronic FISAP Mailing in July. August 1995 CB-95-21 SUMMARY: This letter is a reminder of the 1996-97 Electronic FISAP Mailing in July Dear Financial Aid Administrator: This letter is a reminder that in late July we mailed to you, or your servicer, the institution's materials for electronic submission of a 1996-97 Application/1994-95 Report (FISAP) for the campus-based programs. If you or your servicer did not receive this package, please telephone your campus-based state representative immediately. A listing of these representatives is attached. Your FISAP must be submitted electronically (mailed, or transmitted via modem) by September 29, 1995. Your receipt from us by Mid-November 1995 of the institution's FISAP Edit/Verification Report will be your confirmation of the entry of your institution's FISAP information into our data base. If you do not receive this Edit/Verification Report by November 22, 1995, telephone your state representative. If you need any assistance in the preparation of your FISAP, please contact your state representative. If you need any technical assistance in the data entry or submission of your FISAP, please call an Electronic FISAP Administrator on (301) 565-0032. Sincerely yours, Judith L. Norris, Acting Chief Campus-Based Financial Operations Branch, IFMD |