DCLPublicationDate: 7/1/95 DCLID: CB-95-16 AwardYear: Summary: Revised Perkins Loan Program Assignment Form, ED553 July 1995 CB-95-16 Dear Colleague: Recently you should have received the revised Perkins Loan Program Assignment Form, ED553. Effective September 1, 1995 the old ED-553 Form (Expiration Date: 01/01/95) will no longer be accepted by our processing center for submitting Perkins Loan Assignments. Only new ED-553 Forms with an updated expiration date of 6/30/98 will be accepted. Thank you for your continued support of the Department's mission. If you have any additional questions regarding the assignment of Perkins Loans, please call the Debt Collection Service Center on (202) 708-4766. Sincerely, Leo Kornfeld Senior Advisor to the Secretary For Direct Lending |