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(GEN-95-34) (GEN-95-34) Distribution of The Verification Guide, 1995-96

DCLPublicationDate: 6/1/95
DCLID: GEN-95-34
Summary: Distribution of The Verification Guide, 1995-96

June 1995

SUMMARY: Distribution of The Verification Guide, 1995-96

Dear Colleague:

Enclosed is the 1995-96 edition of The Verification Guide, which
explains to postsecondary financial aid administrators the policies
and requirements related to verifying the information reported by
federal student aid applicants. Included in the Guide are copies of
the DepartmentÂ’s Verification Worksheets (for dependent and
independent students).

Also enclosed are replacement pages for Chapter Three of the
Guide. Only page 42 has been changed, to provide the correct
requirements for updating, and is marked "CORRECTION" on the
bottom. We have provided both sides of the page so that it may
easily be inserted into your copy of the Guide.

Additionally, we would like to clarify two issues discussed in the
Guide. The second paragraph on page 5 states that applicants
selected for verification by the institution (rather than edit-selected
through the CPS) are subject to all the verification rules and
requirements. This means that the student must comply with those
rules and requirements if instructed to do so by the school. For
institution-selected applications, the school has full discretion as to
which data elements must be verified and what constitutes
acceptable documentation.

On page 44, the tolerance option is discussed in terms of AGI, but
can be applied to an applicantÂ’s income earned from work if an
income tax return was not (and will not be) filed. This is in keeping
with the discussion on page 22, which states that income earned
from work can be used for verification purposes when the AGI is not

As part of our effort to reduce printing costs, we are only
distributing one copy of the Guide to each institution. However, we
do have a limited additional supply, and you may request up to three
copies by completing the enclosed order sheet and mailing it to:

Federal Student Aid Publications
P.O. Box 84
Washington, DC 20044-0084

Please note that this publication is not copyrighted--you are free to
photocopy additional copies as needed. We hope you find The
Verification Guide useful.


Elizabeth M. Hicks
Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Student Financial
Assistance Programs


[[ The enclosure "the replacement pages to the 95/96 Verification Guide and the 95/96 Verification Guide" are currently unavailable for viewing. Please reference your paper document for additional information.]]