DCLPublicationDate: 6/1/95 DCLID: CB-95-8 AwardYear: Summary: Close-out of 1993-94 awards for the Federal Work-Study (FWS), Federal Perkins Loan, and/or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs. June 1995 CB-95-8 SUMMARY :Close-out of 1993-94 awards for the Federal Work-Study (FWS), Federal Perkins Loan, and/or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs. Dear Financial Aid Administrator: Enclosed are three copies of an adjusted authorization letter for the FSEOG, FWS and/or Federal Perkins Loan programs, for the award period July 1, 1993 through June 30, 1994. We ask that you distribute the President and Chief Fiscal Officer copies to the appropriate office. The adjusted authorization is equal to the expenditure that you entered in the 1993-94 Fiscal Operations Report portion of your FISAP for that program. If any of your 1993-94 authorizations are missing from the enclosed letter, they were omitted due to discrepancies in the data base which need to be resolved before the account(s) can be closed. The 1993-94 authorized amount and the cash available for each program at the Department of Education Payment Management System (ED/PMS) are being reduced by any unexpended authorization you reported in the Fiscal Operations Report. This action will officially close out your institution's 1993-94 authorizations for these programs under ED/PMS. When your institution receives its next ED/PMS 272 Report later this summer, you should verify that the 1993-94 Federal share of net disbursements for each program that you entered in your institution's ED/PMS 272 Report, agrees with the expenditures in your 1993-94 Fiscal Operations Report for each program. If the 272 Report is prepared by your institution's Chief Fiscal Officer, you must coordinate the reconciliation of these two reports with that office. Any discrepancies between the two reports must be resolved, and corrections sent to the appropriate office within the Department of Education. Corrections to the 272 Report should be made on the next report that you submit to the address provided in that report. FISAP corrections must be sent to: U.S. Department of Education Student Financial Assistance Programs Closeout Corrections Institutional Financial Management Division 600 Independence Ave., SW Rm 4714 ROB-3 Washington, D.C. 20202-5458 If you have any questions regarding this close out action, please direct them to the appropriate campus-based programs state representative identified in the attached listing. Sincerely, Michele Selvage, Director Institutional Financial Management Division Enclosures Institutional Financial Management Division Campus-Based Programs State Representatives Ms. Vicki Roberson (202) 708-7747 LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN,MT alternate - Dinah Nelson Mrs. Jennifer Eades (202) 708-9184 NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,PR alternate - C. Franklin Jones UT,VI Mrs. C. Franklin-Jones (202) 708-9183 AL,AK,AZ,CO,CT,DE,GA alternate - Jennifer Eades KY,RI,VT Mrs. Rhonda Herbert (202) 708-9191 AR,DC,HI,TN,TX,VA,PI alternate - Jim Porter GU Mr. Joseph Morris (202) 708-8745 ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,MO alternate - Alice Payne Ms. Dinah Nelson (202) 708-8759 FL,MS,OH,PA alternate - Vicki Roberson Mrs. Alice Payne (202) 708-9754 CA,SC alternate - Joseph Morris Mr. Jim Porter (202) 708-7752 NC,ND,OK,OR,SD, WA,WV alternate - Rhonda Herbert WI,WY If ultimately you are unable to reach your State Representative at the above telephone number, you may call the alternate identified below the name of your State Representative. If still unsuccessful, telephone Judy Norris, Acting Chief, Campus-Based Financial Operations Branch, on (202) 708-9757. |