DCLPublicationDate: 3/1/95 DCLID: GEN-95-16 AwardYear: Summary: This letter provides information regarding the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) to schools participating in Title IV aid programs MARCH 1995 GEN-95-16 Summary: This letter provides information regarding the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) to schools participating in Title IV aid programs Dear Colleague: The Department of Education (ED) recently implemented the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), the first national database of loan-level data on the Title IV aid programs. This letter presents an overview of NSLDS by addressing the following questions: Executive Summary Why implement NSLDS? What will NSLDS do? How will NSLDS benefit the Title IV community? Who must provide data to NSLDS? Who can use the NSLDS? Who can I call if I have questions? What is the next step? We are excited about NSLDS and look forward to working with you on this important project. Sincerely, Leo Kornfeld Senior Advisor to the Secretary [[ The enclosures, "Executive Summary" and "Discussion of NSLDS" is currently unavailable for viewing. Please reference your paper document for additional information.]] |