DCLPublicationDate: 1/1/95 DCLID: GEN-95-9 AwardYear: Summary: Cumulative List of Student Financial Assistance Programs Mailings for the Period January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994. JANUARY 1995 GEN-95-9 SUMMARY: Cumulative List of Student Financial Assistance Programs Mailings for the Period January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994 Dear Colleague: Enclosed is a copy of the "Cumulative Listing of Dear Colleague letters" for the period January 1 through December 31, 1994. The "Cumulative List" contains chronological lists of Federal Registers and "Dear Colleague" letters, lender bulletins, etc., that were mailed during 1994. The list is divided into six categories: General, Pell, Campus-Based, GSL/PLUS (Guarantee Agencies, GSL Lenders, GSL Schools), SSIG and Direct Loans. If any of the mailings in the "Cumulative Listing" are missing from your files, you may request single copies from the Federal Student Aid Information Center by calling 1-800-4-FED AID (1-800-433-3243). Please do not request any mailings that you do not need. For example, if your school participates only in the Federal Pell Grant Program, you would not have received any campus-based mailings, nor would there be any need for them at your institution. Similarly, there would rarely, if ever, be a reason for requesting a copy of a Limited Distribution (LD) letter. Thank you for your assistance in administering the Department's student financial assistance programs. We hope you find the "Cumulative List" helpful. Sincerely, William L. Moran Director, Student Financial Assistance Programs [[ The enclosure "Cumulative Listing of Dear Colleague letters" is currently unavailable for viewing. Please reference your paper document for additional information.]] |