DCLPublicationDate: 1/1/95 DCLID: GEN-95-6 AwardYear: Summary: Conference support for electronic initiatives JANUARY 1995 GEN-95-6 Dear Colleague: For the past year, the Department of Education has provided increasing conference support for electronic initiatives upon request but it has come to our attention that not all associations are familiar with the support the Department can provide. The purpose of this letter is to let you know the types of support we can provide to state and regional meetings. We can provide conference support for state and regional financial aid association meetings in three broad areas: - Presentations on topics related to Electronic Data Exchange, EDExpress software (including direct loan and packaging), renewal application, AWARE software, and other CPS-related topics - Personal Computer Lab support on EDExpress software - EDE and EDExpress Training - EDE and Direct Loan booth exhibits Additional information about conference support options is included in Enclosure 1. Associations desiring conference support should submit a request in writing at least one (1) month in advance of the conference start date. Requests must include all of the following information: - Name of requesting organization - Contact person and telephone number for additional information - Dates of the conference - Location (including city and hotel or other lodging information) - Type of support requested (See enclosure. For presentations, please include the time of each session; for PC labs and booths, please include the hours during which the lab or exhibit area will be open.) Requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, please submit your request as early as possible. While we intend to fill all requests, if there are multiple meetings during the same period of time it may be difficult to fulfill all requests completely. Address your requests to: Department of Education 7th and D Streets, S.W. Room 4651, ROB-3 Washington, D.C. 20202 Attn: Nancy Reynolds, Management Analyst Or, fax your request to ED at 202-401-1637; ATTN: Nancy Reynolds. Upon approval of your request you will be contacted about any additional arrangements that are needed. If you need additional information, please feel free to call the Applicant Systems Division at 202-260-9988. Sincerely, Leo Kornfeld Special Advisor to the Secretary Attachment A Attachment B |