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Session #22 - Using FAA Access to CPS Online to Request ISIRs from the New ISIR Datamart

Title: 2004 Spring Conference

Conference Dates: 2004-03-29 to 2004-03-31

Type: ED Conferences

Presentation Title: Session #22 - Using FAA Access to CPS Online to Request ISIRs from the New ISIR Datamart

Posted on 04-21-2004

This session will provide an overview of FAA Access and is designed to show schools, servicers, state agencies, and other users of ISIR data how they can request ISIRs from the Datamart. We will cover everything you need to know to make the most of this new product, including how to enroll, set up query options to get the ISIRs you need, upload SSN files, submit feature ISIR requests, check the status of your requests, and view the results of your processed requests.