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Session #26 - EDExpress Pell Update

Title: 2003 Spring Conference

Conference Dates: 2003-03-05 to 2003-03-07

Type: ED Conferences

Presentation Title: Session #26 - EDExpress Pell Update

Posted on 03-20-2003

In this session, you will learn about changes made to the EDExpress Pell module to accommodate COD full participation and improved software functionality. If you use EDExpress to process only Pell Grants, or if you use it in combination with another software system, you will want to learn about enhancements underway in EDExpress for the Pell Grant program. These include changes to Setup, Disbursements, Import and Export, as well as changes to External Add and Change. We will also describe how all EDExpress Pell users will become full participants in COD for 2003-2004, with EDExpress doing conversion to XML for you. A question and answer period will follow.

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