On June 15, 2023, we updated the Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a posting to replace the "Campus-Based Schema 1.0a in XML Code" file attachment. The file was replaced to correct an error. Specifically, the Award Year tag in the Response Financial Summary Type block was listed as a required field when it should be optional. The necessary attribute (minOccurs=”0”) has been added to the tag.
In summer 2023, we plan to implement Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System functionality that will support a new Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema that will be used for reporting specific Campus-Based program data to the COD System. The new Campus-Based XML schema version is 1.0a.
Under the FAFSA Simplification Act, we will use school-reported data for the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program to accurately calculate the Student Aid Index (SAI) for aid recipients. We will begin collecting this data in summer 2023 to be used in the 2024–25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) processing cycle.
Effective upon completion of the summer 2023 COD System implementation—
All Campus-Based Common Record documents must be sent using Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a. All Campus-Based Common Record responses will be sent by the COD System using Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a.
COD Web Activity responses will be sent by the COD System using Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a.
We will fully validate all Common Record files against the published Campus-Based XML Schema.
Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a
The Campus-Based XML Schema 1.0a will be implemented to support school reporting of student-level earnings information for the FWS program. Note: The Campus-Based XML Schema 1.0a will include an additional reporting block for FSEOG-related data, but this data will not be collected upon implementation and will be reserved for future use, if needed.
It is important that a school or third-party software provider carefully review the Campus-Based Schema, in conjunction with the Campus-Based Common Record Layout.
We will provide more detailed information about the valid values and business rules for the Campus-Based XML schema and related COD System changes in forthcoming Electronic Announcements and technical documentation planned for spring and early summer 2023.
Note to EDExpress Users: We plan to post EDExpress for Windows 2023–24, Release 3.0 in July 2023. This release will incorporate Campus-Based schema version 1.0a for 2023–24 records. More information about this release will be provided in forthcoming communications.
Common Record Documents (CRCB)
All Campus-Based Common Record documents must be sent using Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a. All Common Record responses will be sent by the COD System using Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a.
COD Web Activity Responses (CBWB)
COD Web Activity responses will be sent by the COD System using Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a.
If a school is unable to import COD Web Activity responses, it has two options:
Submit new records or update existing records for an impacted award year via batch processing. These records will then be acknowledged by the COD System through a batch response.
Change its “Web Activity Response Option” for each applicable program/award year so that it will not receive COD Web Activity responses. The school will make these changes on the COD website’s School Options Information screen. To change the “Web Activity Response Option” from “Y” to “N”:
Click on the School link on the COD website’s main menu bar, then click on School Information, and then click on Options. The School Options Information screen will open.
After selecting the applicable program and the applicable award year, scroll to the Program Relations Information section and change “Web Activity Response Option” from “Y” to “N.”
Click on Update.
Full COD Schema Validation
We will fully validate all Common Record batches against the published Campus-Based XML Schema version 1.0a. This means that if a school submits a Common Record that does not conform to the published schema format, all information within the batch will not be processed by the COD System.
We will send COD Reject Edit 210 for batches that fail XML validation. The reject edit will be returned at the document level and will indicate that a batch contains invalid XML.
Schema File and 2023–24 COD Technical Reference Information
A file that schools and third-party software providers can use to prepare for using Campus-Based XML Schema Version 1.0a is attached to this announcement. In addition, information about the Campus-Based XML Schema will be included in a forthcoming update to the 2023–24 COD Technical Reference. Additional operational information will be provided in late spring and early summer 2023.
Contact Information
If you have questions, contact the FSA Partner and School Relations Center at 1-800-848-0978. You may also email