Type: FAFSA On The Web Banner Ads/ Images/ Icons
FOTW Banner Ads for your Web site
Linking to FAFSA on the Web
Updated 10/24/2003
The U.S. Department of Education would like to encourage schools and educational organizations with their own web sites to link to the Department's fastest way to apply for Federal student aid - FAFSA on the Web. We are also providing a new link to the Department's PIN Web site! This document is intended to help you add the banners to an existing page of your own by providing you with the HTML and a selection of images for you to put "click-through" banner ads for FAFSA on the Web and the PIN Web site on your website. We assume fundamental competency using HTML by you, your staff, or your technical support
Here's an example of a FAFSA on the Web Banner Ad in action. Click on the image below:
For each of the banner ads below, highlight the text of the HTML, copy it, and paste it into the HTML document for your page. Then download the image. The exact method of saving these pictures to a disk or to your hard drive will vary depending on your operating system, choice of browser, and other factors. In general, however, if you right-click on an image you will see an option to "save" or "download" the "image" or "picture."
Please note that the HTML and images on this page are provided to help financial aid professionals link students to the Department of Education's FAFSA on the Web site. While you are welcome to modify the HTML and images to accomodate the specific needs of your web page, these images should only be used to link to FAFSA on the Web at "http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/".
Do not use these images to link to any other sites.
HTML Code and Banner Ad Graphics
FOTW Banner Ad #1
<A HREF="http://fafsa.ed.gov/">
<IMG SRC="fotwfast5.gif" ALT="<Link to FAFSA on the Web at
http://fafsa.ed.gov/>" BORDER=0></A">
FOTW Banner Ad #2
<A HREF="http://fafsa.ed.gov/">
<IMG SRC="fotwfast6.gif" ALT="<Link to FAFSA on the Web at
http://fafsa.ed.gov/>" BORDER=0></A">
FOTW Banner Ad #3
<A HREF="http://fafsa.ed.gov/">
<IMG SRC="fotwfast3.gif" ALT="<Link to FAFSA on the Web at
http://fafsa.ed.gov/>" BORDER=0></A">
FOTW Banner Ad #4
<A HREF="http://fafsa.ed.gov/">
<IMG SRC="fotwfast4.gif" ALT="<Link to FAFSA on the Web at
http://fafsa.ed.gov/>" BORDER=0></A">
FOTW Banner Ad #5
<A HREF="http://www.pin.ed.gov/">
<IMG SRC="faa.gif" ALT="<Link to FSA Pin Registration at
http://www.pin.ed.gov/>" BORDER=0></A">