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Updated Draft 2001-2002 ISIR Layout and Description

AwardYear: 2001-2002
SectionTitle: Updated Draft 2001-2002 ISIR Layout and Description

Posted on September 27, 2000

TO: All Destination Points
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Updated Draft 2001-2002 ISIR Layout

With this message, we are providing an update to the draft 2001-02 ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary, provided July 14, 2000. All changes are marked in red italicized boldface font. There were no changes to field lengths or positions. Most of the changes were made in the modified column to better describe the modifications from 2000-01 and in the field labels to correspond with the FAFSA and SAR. Changes were also made in the valid field values for the following fields:
Field 109- Dependency Override Indicator
Field 112- FAA Adjustment
Field 150- Secondary INS Match Flag
Field 151- This field is now filler
Field 157- Prisoner Match

The draft Cross Reference document is also updated and shows the changes in red italicized boldface font.

If you have any questions regarding this draft, please contact CPS Customer Service at 800/330-5947, or via email at