SFA Information for Financial Aid Professionals
U.S. Department of Education

AwardYear: 2000/2001 SectionNumber: SectionTitle: Action Letter #7 PageNumbers: 1 Action Letter #7 File Size: 46 KB; Number of Pages: 1 Requires 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Action Letter #7 January 2000 GEN 00-1 SUMMARY: This letter transmits A Guide to 2000-2001 SARs and ISIRs. Dear Partner: This letter transmits A Guide to 2000-2001 SARs and ISIRs. The Guide contains information to assist you in interpreting the codes that appear on the Student Aid Report (SAR), which is sent to the student, and the Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs), which are sent directly to institutions by the Central Processing System (CPS). Each type of student record contains summaries of information that the student reported using one of the application formats: the paper or electronic Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the paper or electronic Renewal FAFSA, FAFSA Express, or the Web versions of the FAFSA and Renewal FAFSA. An information section for financial aid administrators appears on each type of output and identifies the student's eligibility results using a series of flags or codes. Although some of this information is available elsewhere, A Guide to 2000-2001 SARs and ISIRs centralizes and explains the flags and codes in a format that can be updated or supplemented as necessary. We hope this guide will be useful to you in assisting students to interpret their processed application data and make corrections when necessary. Sincerely, Greg Woods Chief Operating Officer Office of Student Financial Assistance Programs |