2000-2001 ISIR Field Name2000-2001 ISIR Field # 1999-2000 ISIR Field Name1999-2000 ISIR Field #Deleted, Added or Modified
Valid Field Content Modified |
Assumption Override 1--Parents Number In College assumed to be 1 when number in college equals number in the household and both are greater than 2. 120 DeletedDeleted Assumption #1; reordered remaining the rest of the aassumptions |
NSLDS Perkins Expanded Lending Option Flag 287 Deleted |
NSLDS Perkins First Disbursement Prior to 110/1/92? 288 Deleted |
Transaction Verification Flag 151 Deleted |
Verification Tracking Flag 152 Deleted |
Drug Offense Conviction 33 Added1 = Eligible 2 = Ineligible or Dont know Blank |
Fathers Last Nat Nameme 67 Added0 to 9 Uppercase A to Z Space(s) . (period) (apostrophe) - (dash) Blank |
Fathers Social Security Number 66 Added000000000 to 999999999 Blank |
Mothers Last NnameLast Name 69 Added0 to 9 Uppercase A to Z Space(s) . (period) (apostrophe) - (dash) Blank |
Mothers Social Security NumberSSN 68 Added000000000 to 999999999 Blank |
NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Pending Disbursement 286 AddedNumeric N/A |
NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Outstanding Principle Balance 282 AddedNumeric N/A |
NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Total 289 AddedNumeric N/A |
NSLDS Pell Award Amount (1, 2 or 3) 315, 326 and 337 AddedNumeric Blank |
Prisoner Match 154 Filler149 Added1 = Not a prisoner 2 = Prisoner in local facility 3 = Prisoner in state or federal facility 8 = Record not sent to match 9 = Sent, match not conducted |
Student iIsSselected for Verification 156 AddedY = Selected N= Not Selected * = A subsequent transaction was selected for verification |
Adjusted Calculation Requested
Indicates whether a calculation was requested by an FAA.113 Adjusted EFC Calculation Requested
Indicates whether a calculation was requested by an FAA.108 Modified |
Application Receipt Date 132 Application Receipt Date127 Modified20000101 to 20011231 |
Assumption Override 1-- Parents Number in College assumed to be 1 when the number in college is greater than 6.126 Assumption Override 2--Parents Number in College assumed to be 1 when the number in college is greater than 6.121 ModifiedAssumption #2 became #1 |
Assumption Override 2-- Parents AGI assumed equal to sum of father and mother earned income portions. Allow AGI to be zero or blank as entered. 127 Assumption Override 3--Parents AGI assumed equal to sum of father and mother earned income portions. Allow AGI to be zero or blank as entered. 122 ModifiedAssumption #3 became #2 |
Assumption Override 3-- Students Number in College assumed to be 1 when number in college equals number in the household and both are greater than 2.128 Assumption Override 4--Students Number in College assumed to be 1 when number in college equals number in the household and both are greater than 2.123 ModifiedAssumption #4 became #3 |
Assumption Override 4-- Students AGI assumed equal to the sum of student and spouse earned income portions. Allow AGI to be zero or blank as entered.129 Assumption Override 5--Students AGI assumed equal to the sum of student and spouse earned income portions. Allow AGI to be zero or blank as entered.124 ModifiedAssumption #5 became #4 |
Assumption Override 5-- Parents Total from Worksheet B assumed to be zero. Allow parents income from Worksheet B to be less than or equal to parents total income.Assumption Override 5-- Parents total from worksheet B assumed to be zero. Allow parents income from worksheet B to be less than or equal to parents total income.130 Assumption Override 6--Parents total from worksheet B assumed to be zero. Allow parents income from worksheet B to be less than or equal to parents total income.125 ModifiedAssumption #6 became #5 |
Assumption Override 6-- Students Total from Worksheet B assumed to be zero. Allow parents income from Worksheet B to be less than or equal to students total income.Assumption Override 6-- Students total from worksheet B assumed to be zero. Allow parents income from worksheet B to be less than or equal to students total income.131 Assumption Override 7--Students total from worksheet B assumed to be zero. Allow parents income from worksheet B to be less than or equal to students total income.126 ModifiedAssumption #7 became #6 |
Batch Number 118 Batch Number112 ModifiedChanged year reference: 1 digit for Cycle Year = 1 Added: #I = YTD ISIRs #S = Signature Corrections |
Batch Year 1 Batch Year1 ModifiedChanged year reference to 1 for 2000-2001 |
Born Before 01-01-1977? 59 Born Before 01-01-1976?58 Modified |
Date Application Completed 105 Date Application Completed100 ModifiedChanged year reference: 20000101 to 20011231 |
Duplicate Date
CPS Process Date of the duplicate transaction requested.266 Duplicate Date
CPS Process Date of the duplicate transaction requested.262 ModifiedChanged year reference: 200000101 to 20011231 |
Electronic Application Entry Source Code
Indicates the origin of the electronic application120 Electronic Application Entry Source Code
Indicates the origin of the electronic application114 ModifiedAdded: 8 = FAFSA on the Web Form based Entry Modified: 6 = FAFSA on the Web Interview based Entry |
Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 24 Enrollment Plan for Fall 199924 Modified |
Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 26 Enrollment Plan for Spring 200026 Modified |
Enrollment Plan for Summer 2000 23 Enrollment Plan for Summer 199923 Modified |
Enrollment Plan for Summer 2001 27 Enrollment Plan for Summer 200027 Modified |
Enrollment Plan for Winter 2000-2001 25 Enrollment Plan for Winter 1999-200025 Modified |
FAA Federal school code
Indicates the Federal school code that requested a dependency override or Adjusted Calculation request.111 FAA Federal school code
Indicates the Federal school code that requested a dependency override or Adjusted EFC Calculation request.106 Modified |
Federal school code #1 Housing Plans 94 Federal school code #1 Housing Code89 Modified |
Federal school code #2 Housing Plans 96 Federal school code #2 Housing Code91 Modified |
Federal school code #3 Housing Plans 98 Federal school code #3 Housing Code93 Modified |
Federal school code #4 Housing Plans 100 Federal school code #4 Housing Code95 Modified |
Federal school code #5 Housing Plans 102 Federal school code #5 Housing Code97 Modified |
Federal school code #6 Housing Plans 104 Federal school code #6 Housing Code99 Modified |
First Bachelors Degree by 07-01-2000? 39 First Bachelors Degree by 07-01-1999?38 Modified |
Grade Level in College in 2000-2001 37 Grade Level in College in 1999-200036 Modified |
Input Record Type 116 Record Type128 ModifiedAdded: B = Correction on the Web D = Duplicate Request R = Renewal Application/ Renewal Application on the Web S = FAFSA Express or FAFSA on the Web Modified: H = History Correction Blank = Initial Application |
Parents Calculated 1999 Tax Status 137 Parents Calculated 1998 Tax Status132 Modified |
Parents Legal Residence Date 74 Parents Legal Residence Date86 ModifiedChanged year reference: 190001 to 200112
CPS will accept: CCYYMM CCYY with blank MM Blank CCYY with MM Blank CCYYMM |
Parents Legal Residents before 01-01-95? 73 Parents Legal Residents before 01-01-94?85 Modified |
Parents Number in College 2000-2001
(Parents excluded)71 Parents Number in College 1999-200083 Modified |
Parents Type of 1999 Tax Form Used? 77 Parents Type of 1998 Tax Form Used?67 Modified |
Processed Record Type 133 Record Type128 Modified |
Reject Override B-- Date of Birth since September 1, 1984123 Reject Override B-- Date of Birth since September 1, 1983118 Modified |
Signed By
Indicates if only the applicant, or only the parent, or both applicant and parent signed the transaction.106 Signed By
Indicates if only the applicant, or both applicant and parent signed the transaction.101 ModifiedAdded: P = Parent only |
Students Calculated 1999 Tax Status 138 Students Calculated 1998 Tax Status133 Modified |
Students Legal Residence Date 32 Students Legal Residence Date32 ModifiedChanged year reference:190001 to 200112
CPS will accept: CCYYMM CCYY with blank MM Blank CCYY with MM Blank CCYYMM |
Students Legal Resident Before 01-01-1995? 31 Students Legal Resident Before 01-01-94?31 Modified |
Students Marital Status Date 22 Students Marital Status Date22 ModifiedChanged year reference: 190001 to 200112 |
Students Number in College 2000-2001 92 Students Number in College 1999-200065 Modified |
Students Type of 1999 Tax Form Used? 43 Students Type of 1998 Tax Form Used?44 Modified |
Transaction Processed Date 162 Transaction Processed Date158 ModifiedChanged year reference: 200019990101 to 20011231 |
Transaction Receipt Date 115 Transaction Receipt Date110 ModifiedChanged year reference: 200019990101 to 20011231 |
Transaction Source Code
Indicates the data entry source and type for the transaction.160 Transaction Source Code
Indicates the data entry source and type for the transaction.156 ModifiedModified: 6 = FAFSA on the Web/ Renewal App on the Web/Correction on the Web |
VA Match Flag 153 VA Match Flag148 Modified8 = Record not sent to VA |
Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors in 2000-2001? 60 Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors in 1999-2000?59 Modified |