Master File with Index
Posted Date: November 12, 2014 Volume: Complete 2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook with Active Index [Caution: Large File] The 2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook with Active Index is presented as a single PDF file. The page numbers in the index are active links that will take you directly to the cited page in the PDF file. In the header, "DCL", "CFR", "Glossary", and "Acronyms" are active links that will take you directly to the corresponding Web page or document. The index appears at the beginning of the document (replacing the table of contents), followed by the Application and Verification Guide, the numbered volumes, and the appendices of the Handbook. Note that this is a very large file--13MB--so it might take some time to download.
Application and Verification Guide
Posted Date: April 3, 2014 Volume: Application and Verification Guide [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] The Application and Verification Guide is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Volume 1: Student Eligibility
Posted Date: June 6, 2014 Volume: Volume 1 - Student Eligibility [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] Volume 1 - Student Eligibility is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Volume 2: School Eligibility and Operations
Posted Date: August 18, 2014 Volume: Volume 2 - School Eligibility and Operations [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] Volume 2 - School Eligibility and Operations is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Volume 3: Calculating Awards & Packaging
Posted Date: July 11, 2014 Volume: Volume 3 - Calculating Awards & Packaging [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] Volume 3 - Calculating Awards & Packaging is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Volume 4: Processing Aid and Managing FSA Funds
Posted Date: July 3, 2014 Volume: Volume 4 - Processing Aid and Managing FSA Funds [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] Volume 4 - Processing Aid and Managing FSA Funds is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Volume 5: Withdrawals and the Return of Title IV Funds
Posted Date: July 9, 2014 Volume: Volume 5 - Withdrawals and the Return of Title IV Funds [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] Volume 5 - Withdrawals and the Return of Title IV Funds is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Volume 6: The Campus-Based Programs
Posted Date: July 11, 2014 Volume: Volume 6 - The Campus-Based Programs [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] Volume 6 - The Campus-Based Programs is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Errata and Updates
Posted Date: May 30, 2014 Volume: Errata and Updates for 2014-2015 FSA Handbook The errata and updates below are items that were amended after the initial PDF files were posted to the Web. For questions about the Handbook contents, you can contact the Schools Publications staff at:
Application and Verification Guide
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Updated Files Posted November 6, 2014 |
Under “Money received” we deleted the words “and loans” in the explanation of what should be reported on line 45j since loans are not income and question 45 captures the student’s untaxed income. |
Chapter 2, P. AVG-22 |
Updated Files Posted November 6, 2014 |
In the section titled “Identity and statement of educational purpose,” we removed the sentence “If marked as ‘not for federal identification,’ it is not acceptable for verification.” We also added a margin note on the REAL ID Act explaining that government-issued photo IDs that are not compliant with the act (those marked “not for federal identification”) can be used for verification if they are not expired. The introduction to the AVG reflects this change in guidance as well. |
Chapter 4, P. AVG-88 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We corrected the last year in the fourth paragraph to 2014. |
Chapter 1, P. AVG-9 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We updated the second paragraph to show that e-mail notifications were sent to students and parents about using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. |
Chapter 2, P. AVG-15 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We added back a sentence from last year’s volume to the paragraph on separated students and parents instructing that when parents of a dependent student are separated and living apart, you use the rules for divorced parents living apart when determining which parent’s information to report on the FAFSA. |
Chapter 2, P. AVG-31 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We changed several references to “father” and “mother” to “parents.” We also corrected the years for the number in college to 2014–2015 in the income protection allowance paragraph. |
Chapter 3, P. AVG-40 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We corrected the FAFSA question numbers for income earned from work as they appear in the employment expense allowance paragraphs. |
Chapter 3, PP. AVG-40, 44, 46 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We updated the second margin note to show the availability of the matrix showing verification-related line items from the FAFSA, ISIR, tax transcript, and tax returns. |
Chapter 4, P. AVG-78 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We updated the end of the second paragraph to show that the flat file reporting of results for verification tracking flags V4 and V5 has been implemented |
Chapter 4, P. AVG-80 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We added a margin note explaining that all persons subject to the Household Resources Group must submit any W-2 forms they have as documentation for some types of untaxed income. |
Chapter 4, P. AVG-86 |
Updated Files Posted May 30, 2014 |
We added guidance in the margin about how schools should treat comments that may now appear on the ISIR and SAR related to the new tax filing status question. |
Chapter 5, P. AVG-126 |
Volume 3: Calculating Awards and Packaging
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Updated Files Posted July 30, 2014 |
In the section "Remaining loan eligibility for students who transfer or change programs," we corrected the guidance in the first paragraph under the subheading "Transfers between schools"--The new school may originate a loan for the remaining portion of the program or academic year regardless of whether or not the new school accepts transfer hours from the prior school. |
Chapter 5, P. 3-116 |
Posted Date: October 6, 2014 Volume: Appendices [2014-2015 Federal Student Aid Handbook] The Appendices volume is presented to the right as a master PDF file, comprising an introduction, table of contents, and appendices, followed by separate PDF files for each appendix of the volume. Look to the right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each appendix (listed as attachments). Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.