Institutional Eligibility and Participation
AwardYear: 1999-2000 EnterChapterNo: EnterChapterTitle: SFA Handbook: Institutional Eligibility and Participation SectionNumber: SectionTitle: Institutional Eligibility and Participation in PDF file format
Pell Reference
AwardYear: 1999-2000 EnterChapterNo: EnterChapterTitle: SFA Handbook: Pell Reference SectionNumber: SectionTitle: Pell Reference in PDF file format PageNumbers: The attached file (Pell.pdf) contains the "Pell Reference" portion of the 1999-2000 SFA Handbook in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Schedule and Solicitation of Comments
AwardYear: 1999-2000 EnterChapterNo: EnterChapterTitle: Announcement Regarding 1999-2000 SFA Handbook SectionNumber: SectionTitle: Schedule and Solicitation of Comments PageNumbers: Posted May 17, 1999 We are pleased to announce that the two "core" sections of the 1999-2000 Student Financial Aid Handbook have been posted on IFAP in PDF format. You can access them by going to IFAP's Bookshelf section, clicking on "more" then clicking on "Student Financial Aid Handbooks". Student Eligibility: This core section contains the information traditionally found in Chapter 2 of the Handbook and now includes material that in previous years was published in The Verification Guide, the EFC Formula Book, and the Counselor's Handbook for Postsecondary Schools. We will no longer issue these publications separately. Institutional Eligibility and Participation: This core section contains, as traditionally found in Chapter 3 of the Handbook, numerous subsections covering eligibility, cash management, general participation, recordkeeping and disclosure, student consumer information, participation requirements, etc. In addition to these two quite lengthy sections, we have also posted the State Grant Programs Reference, which contains information on the Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program (LEAP), the Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program, and the Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program. We have also sent these sections to be printed, and we will mail them to you as soon as they are available, in approximately one month. The three remaining program-specific sections of the SFA Handbook will follow as soon as each is completed; these sections are Campus-Based Programs Reference, Federal Pell Grant Program Reference, and Direct Loan and FFEL Programs Reference. We expect to have them all completed and posted within the next four to six weeks. As with the core sections, we will mail you paper copies of these sections as soon as they are printed. As you know, many student aid topics affected by the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 are subject to the ongoing Negotiated Rulemaking process. The 1999-2000 SFA Handbook will describe new provisions in the law but will not provide substantive guidance for any areas that are under negotiation. Any such guidance that is developed and approved by the negotiating teams will be made available on the Reauthorization section of IFAP. As always, we seek your suggestions for improvements to the Handbook and all our products. If you would like to offer comments, please e-mail us at and include the words "Handbook comments" in the subject line of your e-mail.
- signature
- William J. Ryan
- Director
- Training and Program Information Division
- Policy, Training, and Analysis Service
- Office of Student Financial Assistance
State Grant Programs Reference in PDF File Format
AwardYear: 1999-2000 EnterChapterNo: EnterChapterTitle: SFA Handbook: State Grant Programs Reference SectionNumber: SectionTitle: State Grant Programs Reference in PDF File Format PageNumbers: The attached file (SGR.pdf) contains the "State Grant Programs Reference" portion of the 1999-2000 SFA Handbook in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be read with version 3.0 or higher of the Adobe ACROBAT Reader software.
The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan and Federal Family Education Loan Programs
AwardYear: 1999-2000 EnterChapterNo: EnterChapterTitle: SFA Handbook: The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan and Federal Family Education Loan Programs Reference SectionNumber: SectionTitle: The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan and Federal Family Education Loan Programs Reference in PDF file format PageNumbers: The attached file (DL&FFEL.pdf) contains the "The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan and Federal Family Education Loan Programs Reference" portion of the 1999-2000 SFA Handbook in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be read with version 3.0 or higher of the Adobe ACROBAT Reader software.
Volume 1: Student Eligibility
AwardYear: 1999/2000 EnterChapterNo: EnterChapterTitle: SFA Handbook: Student Eligibility SectionNumber: SectionTitle: Student Eligibility in PDF file format PageNumbers: The attached file (SE(2).pdf) contains the "Student Eligibility" portion of the 1999-2000 SFA Handbook in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Campus-Based Programs Reference
AwardYear: 1999-2000 EnterChapterNo: EnterChapterTitle: SFA Handbook: Campus-Based Programs Reference SectionNumber: SectionTitle: Campus-Based Programs Reference in PDF file format PageNumbers: The attached file (CBref.pdf) contains the "Campus-Based Programs Reference" portion of the 1999-2000 SFA Handbook in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be read with version 3.0 or higher of the Adobe ACROBAT Reader software.