Once your school has begun participating in the FSA programs, we offer continuing assistance in a number of ways, including online tools, toll-free help centers that are designated for specific areas of FSA administration, and assistance from School Participation Divisions.
You’ve already worked with your School Participation Division (SPD) during the application and certification process. You may also contact your SPD with questions related to the FSA programs, including when to update your school’s information on the E-App website, how to get authorization from different FSA systems, and how to interpret federal regulations. The SPDs have different methods for assisting schools. Each SPD has specialists, with some SPDs assigning specific points-of-contact for each school or for specific types of assistance. Current contact information for the School Participation Divisions is posted at https://eligcert.ed.gov/index1.html.
Some systems require two-factor authentication (TFA) for access. With TFA, users log in to the Federal Student Aid systems with two types of information: 1) the FSA user ID and password and 2) a one-time password generated by a TFA token. School personnel can request either a hard token or an electronic token. To obtain a token or for help registering a TFA token, contact the TFA Support Center at 1-800-330-5947, option 2, or by e-mail at TFASupport@ed.gov. Schools can call REACH FSA at 855-FSA-4FAA (855-372- 4322) to reach any of the following FSA contact centers (except for AskaFed, which is email only). CPS/SAIG For help with software products such as EDconnect and EDExpress and for questions related to student information submitted through the CPS, SAIG, and web products such as FAA Access. COD School Relations Center For questions related to Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) and the Pell Grant, Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grant, TEACH Grant, and Direct Loan Programs. School Eligibility Information or questions on Title IV administration, program review, compliance audit, financial analysis or technical assistance and the E-App. Campus-Based Programs Center For questions related to the Campus-Based Programs, Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP), and Federal Perkins Loan cohort default rates. eZ Audit For questions about financial statements and compliance audits submitted through the web. G5 Hotline For questions related to G5, the Department of Education’s electronic system for grants management and payments. NSLDS Customer Service Center For assistance regarding student eligibility questions, overpayments, and details on loan history and other NSLDS functions AskaFed—Policy and Regulatory Guidance Based on the popularity and effectiveness of the AskaFed desk at the annual FSA Training Conference, FSA has instituted a similar process using email. Please send your policy guidance inquiries to: AskaFed@ed.gov. The AskaFed email box is staffed by a team of FSA training officers Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
Knowledge Center https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center The Knowledge Center is your link to official guidance on FSA program requirements, including the annual FSA Handbook and ongoing updates in the form of Dear Colleague Letters and electronic announcements. Software and other tools https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/topics/ software-and-other-tools The IFAP website has information about ED-developed software (e.g., EDExpress and Direct Loan Tools), as well as user guides and technical references for FSA systems. IPEDS Training Center IPEDS Training Center website The IPEDS Training Center includes various training opportunities, including video tutorials, virtual workshops, face-to-face national IPEDS Workshops, and online Keyholder courses. FSA E-Training website https://fsatraining.ed.gov/ You can use this website to register for the mandatory Fundamentals Training Series for new school owners, CEOs, and financial aid directors. You can also find many other training opportunities such as webinars and recordings, systems and software training, and learning tracks that cover a variety of topics on the FSA programs. FSA Training Conference https://fsaconferences.ed.gov/ The FSA Training Conference held annually late in the fall is an important venue for learning about the general administration of the FSA programs as well as changes to program requirements, FSA systems and software, and the FAFSA process. FSA Technical Support https://www2.ed.gov/FSA/services/fsatechsubscribe.html Subscribe to the FSATech email listserv to ask technical questions about FSA systems, software, and mainframe products and to receive answers from other financial aid professionals. You can also send an email directly to FSATech customer service: fsatech@gdit.com FSA Assessments https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/library/resourcetype/FSA%20Assessments The FSA Assessments can be used to anticipate and address problems, write policies and procedures, spot-check the systems you are using to manage information, prepare for your audit or other review, maximize the efficiency of your staff, and acquaint new staff with how FSA works. Federal Student Aid Data Center https://studentaid.gov/data-center The Federal Student Aid Data Center is a centralized source for information relating to the federal assistance programs and provides information that is divided into four categories:
Student Aid Data
School Data
Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program Lender and Guaranty Agency Reports
Business Information Resources
Default Prevention Resources https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/topics/defaultprevention-resource-information The Default Prevention resources page provides information that can assist schools in creating effective default prevention plans and resources for assisting students.