SUBJECT: A Guide to Creating a Policies and Procedures Manual This assessment outlines the minimum policies and procedures requirements for administering Title IV Aid. Policies and Procedures Activities At-A-Glance identifies areas outlined in the law and regulations that require a written policy and procedure and also provides links to the regulations. If you identify areas requiring a corrective action, we recommend that you complete an Action Plan. Activity Bar: Policies and Procedures Activity 1: Developing or Enhancing Procedures Policies and Procedures Activity 2: Preparation for an Audit or Program Review Consumer Information Activity 2: Drug & Alcohol Prevention Consumer Information Activity 5: Clery/Campus Security Act Consumer Information Activity 8: Fire Safety Reports and Student Housing Additional Links: 2024-2025 FSA Handbook Volume 2, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 6 (digital version); (pdf version) 2024-2025 FSA Handbook Volume 2, School Eligibility & Operations, Chapter 7 (digital version); (pdf version) 2024-2025 FSA Handbook Vol. 4, Appendix A (digital version); (pdf version) 2024-2025 FSA Handbook Vol. 4, Appendix B (digital version); (pdf version) Campus Security Resources DCL GEN-14-13 (Changes to the Clery Act by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013) DCL GEN-15-15 Implementation of the VAWA Final Regulations DCL-GEN-24-09 Voluntary Disclosure of Hate Crime Sub-Categories U.S. Department of Education – Campus Security Clery Act Appendix for FSA Handbook Complying with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations User’s Guide for the Campus Safety and Security Web-Based Data Collection Hate Crime Threat Response Guide
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A Cover Page that can be used when designing your Policies and Procedures Manual. |
Disclaimer: This document has been prepared to provide schools with basic guidance to develop policies and procedures. However, it should not be assumed that this document is all-inclusive. For a more complete explanation of specific program requirements, your school should refer to the applicable statutes, regulations, and the Federal Student Aid Handbook. It is the school's responsibility to ensure that all Title IV requirements outlined in the law and regulations are met.
Last Modified: 11/25/2024