This assessment outlines the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program requirements. If you identify areas requiring corrective action, we recommend that you complete an Action Plan. Activity Bar: FSEOG Activity 1: FSEOG File Review FSEOG Activity 2: Campus-Based Programs Administrative Cost Allowance FSEOG Activity 3: Federal & Non-Federal Share Additional Links: 2024-2025 FSA Handbook, Volume 6, Chapter 1 (digital version); (pdf version) 2024-2025 FSA Handbook, Volume 6, Chapter 6 (digital version); (pdf version) 2024-2025 FSA Handbook, Volume 4, Chapters 2 & 3 (digital version); (pdf version) 2024-2025 FSA Handbook, Volume 3, Chapters 2, 6, & 7 (digital version); (pdf version) Campus-Based Final Funding Authorizations Electronic Announcement (CB-24-08) Use of Negative Student Aid Index (SAI) in FSEOG Selection Criteria Electronic Announcement (GENERAL-24-05) For reference, the table below lists the regulatory areas related to FSEOG. The left column shows the title of the regulatory section and summarizes the main content of some of the sections. The middle column includes a link to each regulatory section in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations and any related guidance posted in the Knowledge Center. Where applicable, the associated assessment activity is listed in the third column.

FSEOG Regulations
Section Title
Assessment Activity

FSEOG Overawards and Overpayments 34 CFR 673.5

Coordination with Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Grants 34 CFR 673.6

Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA) 34 CFR 673.7

Maintaining and accounting for funds (Cash Management) 34 CFR 668.163

Disbursing FSEOG General funds 34 CFR 668.164

Late disbursements 34 CFR 668.164(g), 34 CFR 668.22(a)

Definitions 34 CFR 676.2

Program Participation Agreement requirements 34 CFR 676.8

FSEOG Student Eligibility 34 CFR 676.9

Selection of students for FSEOG awards:

  • Exceptional Financial Need/Pell Eligible 34 CFR 676.10

  • Less-Than-Full-Time & Independent Students 34 CFR 676.10(b)

Payment of an FSEOG 34 CFR 676.16

  • Amount paid in each payment period 34 CFR 676.16(a)

  • FSEOG uneven costs/unequal disbursements 676.16(b)

  • Correspondence students 34 CFR 676.16(e)

Use of (FSEOG) funds 34 CFR 676.18

  • General requirements 34 CFR 676.18(a)

  • Transfer of funds 34 CFR 676.18(b)

  • Carry Forward/Carry Back 34 CFR 676.18(c) through (f)

(FSEOG) Fiscal procedures and records 34 CFR 676.19

  • Fiscal procedures 34 CFR 676.19(a)

  • Records and reporting 34 CFR 676.19(b); 34 CFR 668.24

Minimum and maximum FSEOG awards 34 CFR 676.20

FSEOG Federal share limitations 34 CFR 676.21

Last Modified: 11/25/2024