The information in this Appendix is intended for those who are not financial aid professionals. Rather, it is intended for professionals with an occasional need to understand FSA documents and publications. These roles can include non-federal auditors, state auditors, state attorneys general, and other business office employees who sometimes need assistance in navigating Federal Student Aid’s publications. While nongovernmental organizations can provide useful information, following the guidance they offer provides no defense in the case of audit and program review findings. For this reason, staff at schools should refer first to official Department of Education publications (available at the links below) then to broader U.S. Government publications for authoritative guidance on the Title IV program requirements.
The Knowledge Center Website
FSA’s Knowledge Center website consolidates guidance, resources, and information related to the administration and processing of Title IV programs into one online site for use by the entire financial aid community. Some key areas to visit on the Knowledge Center website include:
What’s New—Lists all of the publications added to the website within the past 14 days and includes the date it was published, document type, subject, and a link to access the document directly.
Library—Contains the full list of all publications available on the Knowledge Center categorized by Resource Type, Functional Area, Program, and System. Dear Colleague letters, electronic announcements, Federal Registers, and various manuals, guides and handbooks can be located in the Library.
Topics—Contains links to consolidated information hubs for a range of Title IV-related topics. Each topic of interest can be accessed on the Topics page and bookmarked for future use. The Featured Topics section includes the most important topics and is updated regularly.
Laws and Regulations—Provides links to the Code of Federal Regulations – 34 CFR, Federal Registers, and US Code (GPO Compilation).
Frequently Asked Questions—Provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) that address aspects of Title IV aid. Historical FAQs are also maintained in this section.
Training—Lists ways to obtain training to help administer and manage Title IV funds.
In addition to the key areas listed above the Knowledge Center Help Center has more information on various resources such as:
Completing a form to contact FSA Customer Support;
Accessing contact information for FSA customer service centers;
Accessing Helpful Links; and
Viewing information on how to access FSA systems and how these FSA systems are used to administer Title IV Aid.
Additional information can also be obtained by visiting the Knowledge Center FAQs page.