Appendix G

Higher Education Act of 1965—Table of Contents (as of March 11, 2021)

(Parenthetical citations are to Title 20 of the U.S. Code.)

Following are the sections of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, and the corresponding U.S. Code sections. The U.S. Code and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) can be found on the govinfo website of the Government Printing Office. For a more up-to-date version of the U.S. Code, see the Office of the Law Revision Counsel website of the U.S. House of Representatives. Private companies and educational institutions, such as law schools, also provide online access to the U.S. Code and the CFR. You can search for these online or contact a law library.

As of March 11, 2021, there are no updates in this document.

Title I—General Provision

Part A—Definitions

Part A—Definitions sections
  1. General definition of institution of higher education. (1001)
  1. Definition of institution of higher education for purposes of Title IV programs. (1002)
  1. Additional definitions. (1003)

Part B—Additional General Provisions

Part B—Additional General Provisions section references
  1. Antidiscrimination. (1011)
  1. Protection of student speech and association rights. (1011a)
  1. Territorial waiver authority. (1011b)
  1. National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity. (1011c)
  1. Student representation. (1011d)
  1. Financial responsibility of foreign students. (1011e)
  1. Disclosures of foreign gifts. (1011f)
  1. Application of peer review process. (1011g)
  1. Binge drinking on college campuses. (1011h)
  1. Drug and alcohol abuse prevention. (1011i)
  1. Prior rights and obligations. (1011j)
  1. Recovery of payments. (1011k)
  1. Diploma mills. (1011l)

Part C—Cost of Higher Education

Part C—Cost of Higher Education section references
  1. Improvements in market information and public accountability in higher education. (1015)
  1. Transparency in college tuition for consumers. (1015a)
  1. Textbook information. (1015b)
  1. Database of student information prohibited. (1015c)
  1. In-State tuition rates for members of the Armed Forces on active duty, spouses, and dependent children. (1015d)
  1. State higher education information system pilot program. (1015e)
  1. State commitment to affordable college education. (1015f)

Part D—Administrative Provisions for Delivery of Student Financial Assistance

Part D—Administrative Provisions for Delivery of Student Financial Assistance section references
  1. Performance-Based Organization for the delivery of Federal student financial assistance. (1018)
  1. Procurement flexibility. (1018a)
  1. Administrative simplification of student aid delivery. (1018b)

Part E—Lender and Institution Requirements Relating to Education Loans

Part E—Lender and Institution Requirements Relating to Education Loans section references
  1. Definitions. (1019)
  1. Responsibilities of covered institutions, institution-affiliated organizations, and lenders. (1019a)
  1. Loan information to be disclosed and model disclosure form for covered institutions, institution-affiliated organizations, and lenders participating in preferred lender arrangements. (1019b)
  1. Loan information to be disclosed and model disclosure form for institutions participating in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. (1019c)
  1. Self-certification form for private education loans. (1019d)

Title II—Teacher Quality Enhancement

Title II—Teacher Quality Enhancement definitions section
  1. Definitions. (1021)

Part A—Teacher Quality Partnership Grants

Part A—Teacher Quality Partnership Grants section references
  1. Purposes. (1022)
  1. Partnership grants. (1022a)
  1. Administrative provisions. (1022b)
  1. Accountability and evaluation. (1022c)
  1. Accountability for programs that prepare teachers. (1022d)
  1. Teacher development. (1022e)
  1. State functions. (1022f)
  1. General provisions. (1022g)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1022h)

Part B—Enhancing Teacher Education

Part B—Enhancing Teacher Education section reference
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1031)

Subpart 1—Preparing Teachers for Digital Age Learners

Subpart 1—Preparing Teachers for Digital Age Learners section references
  1. Program authorized. (1032)
  1. Uses of funds. (1032a)
  1. Application requirements. (1032b)
  1. Evaluation. (1032c)

Subpart 2—Honorable Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence

Subpart 2—Honorable Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence section references
  1. Definitions. (1033)
  1. Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence. (1033a)

Subpart 3—Preparing General Education Teachers to More Effectively Educate Students with Disabilities

Subpart 3—Preparing General Education Teachers to More Effectively Educate Students with Disabilities section references
  1. Teach to Reach grants. (1034)

Subpart 4—Adjunct Teacher Corps

Subpart 4—Adjunct Teacher Corps section references
  1. Adjunct Teacher Corps. (1035)

Subpart 5—Graduate Fellowships to Prepare Faculty in High-Need Areas at Colleges of Education

Subpart 5—Graduate Fellowships to Prepare Faculty in High-Need Areas at Colleges of Education section references
  1. Graduate fellowships to prepare faculty in high-need areas at colleges of education. (1036)

Part C—General Provisions

Part C—General Provisions section references
  1. Limitations. (1041)

Title III—Institutional Aid

Title III—Institutional Aid section references
  1. Findings and purposes. (1051)

Part A—Strengthening Institutions

Part A—Strengthening Institutions section references
  1. Program purpose. (1057)
  1. Definitions; eligibility. (1058)
  1. Duration of grant. (1059)
  1. Applications. (1059a)
  1. Goals for financial management and academic program. (1059b)
  1. American Indian tribally controlled colleges and universities. (1059c)
  1. Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions. (1059d)
  1. Predominantly Black Institutions. (1059e)
  1. Native American-serving, nontribal institutions. (1059f)
  1. Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving Institutions. (1059g)

Part B—Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Part B—Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities section references
  1. Findings and purposes. (1060)
  1. Definitions. (1061)
  1. Grants to institutions. (1062)
  1. Allotments to institutions. (1063)
  1. Applications. (1063a)
  1. Professional or graduate institutions. (1063b)
  1. Reporting and audit requirements. (1063c)

Part C—Endowment Challenge Grants for Institutions Eligible for Assistance Under Part A or Part B

Part C—Endowment Challenge Grants for Institutions Eligible for Assistance Under Part A or Part B section references
  1. Endowment challenge grants. (1065)

Part D—Historically Black College and University Capital Financing

Part D—Historically Black College and University Capital Financing section references
  1. Findings. (1066)
  1. Definitions. (1066a)
  1. Federal insurance for bonds. (1066b)
  1. Limitations on Federal insurance for bonds issued by the designated bonding authority. (1066c)
  1. Authority of the Secretary. (1066d)
  1. HBCU Capital Financing Advisory Board. (1066f)
  1. Minority business enterprise utilization. (1066g)

Part E—Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program

Subpart 1—Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program

Subpart 1—Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program section references
  1. Findings. (1067)
  1. Purpose; authority. (1067a)
  1. Grant recipient selection. (1067b)
  1. Use of funds. (1067c)

Subpart 2—Programs in STEM Fields

Subpart 2—Programs in STEM Fields section references
  1. YES Partnerships grant program. (1067e)
  1. Promotion of entry into STEM fields. (1067e-1)
  1. Evaluation and accountability plan. (1067e-2)

Subpart 3—Administrative and General Provisions

Subpart 3—Administrative and General Provisions section references
  1. Eligibility for grants. (1067g)
  1. Grant application. (1067h)
  1. Cross program and cross agency cooperation. (1067i)
  1. Administrative provisions. (1067j)
  1. Definitions. (1067k)

Part F—Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority-Serving Institutions (transferred from Title IV, Part J)

Part F—Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority-Serving Institutions (transferred from Title IV, Part J) section references
  1. Investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other minority- serving institutions. (1067q)

Part G—General Provisions

Part G—General Provisions section references
  1. Applications for assistance. (1068)
  1. Waiver authority and reporting requirement. (1068a)
  1. Application review process. (1068b)
  1. Cooperative arrangements. (1068c)
  1. Assistance to institutions under other programs. (1068d)
  1. Limitations. (1068e)
  1. Penalties. (1068f)
  1. Continuation awards. (1068g)
  1. Authorizations of appropriations. (1068h)

Title IV—Student Assistance

Part A—Grants to Students in Attendance at Institutions of Higher Education

Part A—Grants to Students in Attendance at Institutions of Higher Education section references
  1. Statement of purpose; program authorization. (1070)

Subpart 1—Federal Pell Grants

Subpart 1—Federal Pell Grants section references
  1. Federal Pell Grants: amount and determinations; applications. (1070a)
401A. Academic competitiveness grants. (1070a-1)

Subpart 2—Federal Early Outreach and Student Services Programs

Chapter 1—Federal TRIO Programs
Chapter 1—Federal TRIO Programs section references
402A. Program authority; authorization of appropriations. (1070a-11)
402B. Talent search. (1070a-12)
402C. Upward bound. (1070a-13)
402D. Student support services. (1070a-14)
402E. Postbaccalaureate achievement program authority. (1070a-15)
402F. Educational opportunity centers. (1070a-16)
402G. Staff development activities. (1070a-17)
402H. Reports, evaluations, and grants for project improvement and dissemination. (1070a-18)
Chapter 2—Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs [GEAR UP]
Chapter 2—Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs [GEAR UP] section references
404A. Early intervention and college awareness program authorized. (1070a-21)
404B. Requirements. (1070a-22)
404C. Applications. (1070a-23)
404D. Activities. (1070a-24)
404E. Scholarship component. (1070a-25)
404F. 21st Century Scholar Certificates. (1070a-26)
404G. Evaluation and report. (1070a-27)
404H. Authorization of appropriations. (1070a-28)

Subpart 3—Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

Subpart 3—Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant section references
413A. Purpose; appropriations authorized. (1070b)
413B. Amount and duration of grants. (1070b-1)
413C. Agreements with institutions; selection of recipients. (1070b-2)
413D. Allocation of funds. (1070b-3)
413E. Carryover and carryback authority. (1070b-4)

Subpart 4— Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program

Subpart 4— Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program section references
415A. Purpose; appropriations authorized. (1070c)
415B. Allotment among States. (1070c-1)
415C. Applications for leveraging educational assistance partnership programs. (1070c-2)
415D. Administration of State programs; judicial review. (1070c-3)
415E. Grants for access and persistence. (1070c-3a)
415F. Definition. [“community service”] (1070c-4)

Subpart 5—Special Programs for Students Whose Families Are Engaged in Migrant and Seasonal Farmwork

Subpart 5—Special Programs for Students Whose Families Are Engaged in Migrant and Seasonal Farmwork section references
418A. Maintenance and expansion of existing programs. (1070d-2)

Subpart 6—Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program

Subpart 6—Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program section references
419A. Statement of purpose. (1070d-31)
419C. Scholarships authorized. (1070d-33)
419D. Allocation among States. (1070d-34)
419E. Agreements. (1070d-35)
419F. Eligibility of scholars. (1070d-36)
419G. Selection of scholars. (1070d-37)
419H. Stipends and scholarship conditions. (1070d-38)
419J. Construction of needs provisions. (1070d-40)
419K. Authorization of appropriations. (1070d-41)

Subpart 7— Child Care Access Means Parents in School

Subpart 7— Child Care Access Means Parents in School section references
419N. Child care access means parents in school. (1070e)

Subpart 9—TEACH Grants

Subpart 9—TEACH Grants section references
420L. Definitions. (1070g)
420M. Program established. (1070g-1)
420N. Applications; eligibility. (1070g-2)
420O. Program period and funding. (1070g-3)
420P. Program report. (1070g-4)

Subpart 10—Scholarships for Veteran’s Dependents

Subpart 10—Scholarships for Veteran’s Dependents section references
420R. Scholarships for Veteran’s Dependents. (1070h)

Part B—Federal Family Education Loan Program

Part B—Federal Family Education Loan Program section references
  1. Statement of purpose; nondiscrimination; and appropriations authorized. (1071)
  1. Advances for reserve funds of State and nonprofit private loan insurance programs. (1072)
422A. Federal Student Loan Reserve Fund. (1072a)
422B. Agency Operating Fund. (1072b)
  1. Effects of adequate non-Federal programs. (1073)
  1. Scope and duration of Federal loan insurance program. (1074)
  1. Limitations on individual federally insured loans and on Federal loan insurance. (1075)
  1. Sources of funds. (1076)
  1. Eligibility of student borrowers and terms of federally insured student loans. (1077)
427A. Applicable interest rates. (1077a)
  1. Federal payments to reduce student interest costs. (1078)
428A. Voluntary flexible agreements with guaranty agencies. (1078-1)
428B. Federal PLUS loans. (1078-2)
428C. Federal consolidation loans. (1078-3)
428D. Commingling of funds. (1078-4)
428F. Default reduction program. (1078-6)
428G. Requirements for disbursement of student loans. (1078-7)
428H. Unsubsidized Stafford loans for middle-income borrowers. (1078-8)
428J. Loan forgiveness for teachers. (1078-10)
428K. Loan forgiveness for service in areas of national need. (1078-11)
428L. Loan repayment for civil legal assistance attorneys. (1078-12)
  1. Certificate of Federal loan insurance – effective date of insurance. (1079)
  1. Default of student under Federal loan insurance program. (1080)
430A. Reports to consumer reporting agencies and institutions of higher education. (1080a)
  1. Insurance fund. (1081)
  1. Legal powers and responsibilities. (1082)
  1. Student loan information by eligible lenders. (1083)
433A. Consumer education information. (1083a)
  1. Participation by Federal credit unions in Federal, State, and private student loan insurance programs. (1084)
  1. Definitions for student loan insurance program. (1085)
  1. Delegation of functions. (1086)
  1. Repayment by the Secretary of loans of bankrupt, deceased, or disabled borrowers; treatment of borrowers attending schools that fail to provide a refund, attending closed schools, or falsely certified as eligible to borrow. (1087)
  1. Special allowances. (1087-1)
440A. Discrimination in secondary markets prohibited. (1087-4)

Part C—Federal Work-Study Programs

Part C—Federal Work-Study Programs section references
  1. Purpose; appropriations authorized. (1087-51)
  1. Allocation of funds. (1087-52)
  1. Grants for Federal work-study programs. (1087-53)
  1. Sources of matching funds. (1087-54)
  1. Flexible use of funds. (1087-55)
  1. Job location and development programs. (1087-56)
  1. Additional funds to conduct community service work-study programs. (1087-57)
  1. Work colleges. (1087-58)

Part D—William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

Part D—William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program section references
  1. Program authority. (1087a)
  1. Funds for origination of direct student loans. (1087b)
  1. Selection of institutions for participation and origination. (1087c)
  1. Agreements with institutions. (1087d)
  1. Terms and conditions of loans. (1087e)
  1. Contracts. (1087f)
  1. Funds for administrative expenses. (1087h)
  1. Authority to sell loans. (1087i)
459A. Temporary authority to purchase student loans. (1087i-1)
459B. Temporary loan consolidation authority. (1087i-2)
  1. Loan cancellation for teachers. (1087j)

Part E—Federal Perkins Loans

Part E—Federal Perkins Loans section references
  1. Appropriations authorized. (1087aa)
  1. Allocation of funds. (1087bb)
  1. Agreements with institutions of higher education. (1087cc)
463A. Student loan information by eligible institutions. (1087cc-1)
  1. Terms of loans. (1087dd)
  1. Cancellation of loans for certain public service. (1087ee)
  1. Distribution of assets from student loan funds. (1087ff)
  1. Collection of defaulted loans: Perkins Loan Revolving Fund. (1087gg)
  1. General authority of Secretary. (1087hh)
  1. Definitions. (1087ii)

Part F—Need Analysis

Part F—Need Analysis section references
  1. Amount of need. (1087kk)
  1. Cost of attendance. (1087ll)
  1. Family contribution. (1087mm)
  1. Determination of expected family contribution; data elements. (1087nn)
  1. Family contribution for dependent students. (1087oo)
  1. Family contribution for independent students without dependents other than a spouse. (1087pp)
  1. Family contribution for independent students with dependents other than a spouse. (1087qq)
  1. Regulations; updated tables. (1087rr)
  1. Simplified needs tests. (1087ss)
479A. Discretion of student financial aid administrators. (1087tt)
479B. Disregard of student aid in other Federal programs. (1087uu)
479C. Native American students. (1087uu-1)
  1. Definitions. (1087vv)

Part G—General Provisions Relating to Student Assistance Programs

Part G—General Provisions Relating to Student Assistance Programs section references
  1. Definitions. (1088)
481A. Clock and credit hour treatment of diploma nursing schools. (1088a)
  1. Master calendar. (1089)
  1. Forms and regulations. (1090)
  1. Student eligibility. (1091)
484A. Statute of limitations, and State court judgments. (1091a)
484B. Institutional refunds. (1091b)
484C. Readmission requirements for servicemembers. (1091c)
  1. Institutional and financial assistance information for students. (1092)
485A. Combined payment plan. (1092a)
485B. National Student Loan Data System. (1092b)
485C. Simplification of the lending process for borrowers. (1092c)
485D. College access initiative. (1092e)
485E. Early awareness of financial aid eligibility. (1092f)
  1. Distance education demonstration programs. (1093)
486A. Articulation agreements. (1093a)
  1. Program participation agreements. (1094)
487A. Regulatory relief and improvement. (1094a)
487B. Assignment of identification numbers. (1094b)
  1. Transfer of allotments. (1095)
488A. Wage garnishment requirement. (1095a)
  1. Administrative expenses. (1096)
  1. Criminal penalties. (1097)
490A. Administrative subpoenas. (1097a)
  1. Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. (1098)
  1. Regional meetings and negotiated rulemaking. (1098a)
  1. Authorization of appropriations for administrative expenses. (1098b)
493B. Procedures for cancellations and deferments for eligible disabled veterans. (1098d)
493C. Income-based repayment. (1098e)
493D. Deferral of loan repayment following active duty. (1098f)
  1. Procedure and requirements for requesting tax return information from the Internal Revenue Service. (1098h)

Part H—Program Integrity

Subpart 1—State Role

Subpart 1—State Role section references
  1. State responsibilities. (1099a)

Subpart 2—Accrediting Agency Recognition

Subpart 2—Accrediting Agency Recognition section references
  1. Recognition of accrediting agency or association. (1099b)

Subpart 3—Eligibility and Certification Procedures

Subpart 3—Eligibility and Certification Procedures section references
  1. Eligibility and certification procedures. (1099c)
498A. Program review and data. (1099c-1)
498B. Review of regulations. (1099c-2)

Part I—Competitive Loan Auction Pilot Program

Part I—Competitive Loan Auction Pilot Program section references
  1. Competitive loan auction pilot program. (1099d)

Title V—Developing Institutions

Part A—Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Part A—Hispanic-Serving Institutions section references
  1. Findings; purpose; and program authority. (1101)
  1. Definitions; eligibility. (1101a)
  1. Authorized activities. (1101b)
  1. Duration of grant. (1101c)
  1. Special rule. (1101d)

Part B—Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans

Part B—Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans section references
  1. Purposes. (1102)
  1. Program authority and eligibility. (1102a)
  1. Authorized activities. (1102b)
  1. Application and duration. (1102c)

Part C—General Provisions

Part C—General Provisions section references
  1. Eligibility; applications. (1103)
  1. Waiver authority and reporting requirement. (1103a)
  1. Application review process. (1103b)
  1. Cooperative arrangements. (1103c)
  1. Assistance to institutions under other programs. (1103d)
  1. Limitations. (1103e)
  1. Penalties. (1103f)
  1. Authorizations of appropriations. (1103g)

Title VI—International Education Programs

Part A—International and Foreign Language Studies

Part A—International and Foreign Language Studies section references
  1. Findings; purposes; consultation; survey. (1121)
  1. Graduate and undergraduate language and area centers and programs. (1122)
  1. Language resource centers. (1123)
  1. Undergraduate international studies and foreign language programs. (1124)
  1. Research; studies; annual report. (1125)
  1. Technological innovation and cooperation for foreign information access. (1126)
  1. Selection of certain grant recipients. (1127)
  1. Equitable distribution of certain funds. (1128)
  1. American overseas research centers. (1128a)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1128b)

Part B—Business and International Education Programs

Part B—Business and International Education Programs section references
  1. Findings and purposes. (1130)
  1. Centers for international business education. (1130-1)
  1. Education and training programs. (1130a)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1130b)

Part C—Institute for International Public Policy

Part C—Institute for International Public Policy section references
  1. Minority foreign service professional development program. (1131)
  1. Institutional development. (1131-1)
  1. Study abroad program. (1131a)
  1. Advanced degree in international relations. (1131b)
  1. Internships. (1131c)
  1. Financial assistance. (1131c-1)
  1. Report. (1131d)
  1. Gifts and donations. (1131e)
  1. Authorization [of appropriations]. (1131f)

Part D—General Provisions

Part D—General Provisions section references
  1. Definitions. (1132)
  1. Special rule. (1132-1)
  1. Rule of construction. (1132-2)
  1. Assessment. (1132-3)
  1. Evaluation, outreach, and information. (1132-4)
  1. Report. (1132-5)
  1. Science and technology advanced foreign language education grant program. (1132-6)
  1. Reporting by institutions. (1132-7)

Title VII—Graduate and Postsecondary Improvement Programs

Title VII—Graduate and Postsecondary Improvement Programs section references
  1. Purpose. (1133)

Part A—Graduate Education Programs

Subpart 1—Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program

Subpart 1—Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program section references
  1. Award of Jacob K. Javits fellowships. (1134)
  1. Allocation of fellowships. (1134a)
  1. Stipends. (1134b)
  1. Fellowship conditions. (1134c)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1134d)

Subpart 2—Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need

Subpart 2—Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need section references
  1. Grants to academic departments and programs of institutions. (1135)
  1. Institutional eligibility. (1135a)
  1. Criteria for applications. (1135b)
  1. Awards to graduate students. (1135c)
  1. Additional assistance for cost of education. (1135d)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1135e)

Subpart 3—Thurgood Marshall Legal Educational Opportunity Program

Subpart 3—Thurgood Marshall Legal Educational Opportunity Program section references
  1. Legal educational opportunity program. (1136)

Subpart 4—Masters Degree Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions

Subpart 4—Masters Degree Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions section references
  1. Masters Degree Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (1136a)
  1. Masters Degree Programs at predominantly Black institutions. (1136b)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1136c)

Subpart 5—General Provisions

Subpart 5—General Provisions section references
  1. Administrative provisions for subparts 1through 4. (1137)

Part B—Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education

Part B—Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education section references
  1. Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. (1138)
  1. Board of the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. (1138a)
  1. Administrative provisions. (1138b)
  1. Special projects. (1138c)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1138d)

Part D—Programs to Provide Students with Disabilities with a Quality Higher Education

Part D—Programs to Provide Students with Disabilities with a Quality Higher Education section references
  1. Definitions. (1140)

Subpart 1—Demonstration Projects to Support Postsecondary Faculty, Staff, and Administrators in Educating Students with Disabilities

Subpart 1—Demonstration Projects to Support Postsecondary Faculty, Staff, and Administrators in Educating Students with Disabilities section references
  1. Purpose. (1140a)
  1. Grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements authorized. (1140b)
  1. Applications. (1140c)
  1. Rule of construction. (1140d)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1140e)

Subpart 2—Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Into Higher Education

Subpart 2—Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Into Higher Education section references
  1. Purpose. (1140f)
  1. Model comprehensive transition and postsecondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities. (1140g)
  1. Rule of construction. (1140h)
  1. Authorization of appropriations and reservation. (1140i)

Subpart 3—Commission on Accessible Materials; Programs to Support Improved Access to Materials

Subpart 3—Commission on Accessible Materials; Programs to Support Improved Access to Materials section references
  1. Definition of student with a print disability. (1140k)
  1. Establishment of Advisory Commission on Accessible Materials in Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities. (1140l)
  1. Model demonstration programs to support improved access to postsecondary instructional materials for students with print disabilities. (1140m)
  1. Rule of construction. (1140n)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1140o)

Subpart 4—National Technical Training Assistance Center; Coordinating Center

Subpart 4—National Technical Training Assistance Center; Coordinating Center section references
  1. Purpose. (1140p)
  1. National Technical Assistance Center; Coordinating Center. (1140q)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1140r)

Part E—College Access Challenge Grant Program

Part E—College Access Challenge Grant Program section references
  1. College Access Challenge Grant Program. (1141)

Title VIII—Additional Programs

Part A—Project GRAD

Part A—Project GRAD section references
  1. Project GRAD. (1161a)

Part B—Mathematics and Science Scholars Program

Part B—Mathematics and Science Scholars Program section references
  1. Mathematics and Science Scholars Program. (1161b)

Part C—Business Workforce Partnerships for Job Skill Training in High-Growth Occupations or Industries

Part C—Business Workforce Partnerships for Job Skill Training in High-Growth Occupations or Industries section references
  1. Business workforce partnerships for job skill training in high-growth occupations or industries. (1161c)

Part D—Capacity for Nursing Students and Faculty

Part D—Capacity for Nursing Students and Faculty section references
  1. Capacity for nursing students and faculty. (1161d)

Part E—American History for Freedom

Part E—American History for Freedom section references
  1. American history for freedom. (1161e)

Part F—Teach For America

Part F—Teach For America section references
  1. Teach For America. (1161f)

Part G—Patsy T. Mink Fellowship Program

Part G—Patsy T. Mink Fellowship Program section references
  1. Patsy T. Mink Fellowship Program. (1161g)

Part H—Improving College Enrollment by Secondary Schools

Part H—Improving College Enrollment by Secondary Schools section references
  1. Improving college enrollment by secondary schools. (1161h)

Part I—Early Childhood Education Professional Development and Career Task Force

Part I—Early Childhood Education Professional Development and Career Task Force section references
  1. Purpose. (1161i)
  1. Definition of early childhood education program. (1161i-1)
  1. Grants authorized. (1161i-2)
  1. State Task Force establishment. (1161i-3)
  1. State Task Force activities. (1161i-4)
  1. State application and report. (1161i-5)
  1. Evaluations. (1161i-6)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1161i-7)

Part J—Improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education with a Focus on Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Students

Part J—Improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education with a Focus on Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Students section references
  1. Improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education with a focus on Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students. (1161j)

Part K—Pilot Programs to Increase College Persistence and Success

Part K—Pilot Programs to Increase College Persistence and Success section references
  1. Pilot programs to increase college persistence and success. (1161k)

Part L—Student Safety and Campus Emergency Management

Part L—Student Safety and Campus Emergency Management section references
  1. Student safety and campus emergency management. (1161l)
  1. Model emergency response policies, procedures, and practices. (1161l-1)
  1. Preparation for future disasters plan by the Secretary. (1161l-2)
  1. Education disaster and emergency relief loan program. (1161l-3)
  1. Guidance on mental health disclosures for student safety. (1161l-4)
  1. Rule of construction. (1161l-5)

Part M—Low Tuition

Part M—Low Tuition section references
  1. Incentives and rewards for low tuition. (1161m)

Part N—Cooperative Education

Part N—Cooperative Education section references
  1. Statement of purpose; definition. (1161n)
  1. Reservations. (1161n-1)
  1. Grants for cooperative education. (1161n-2)
  1. Demonstration and innovation projects; training and resource centers; and research. (1161n-3)
  1. Authorization of appropriations. (1161n-4)

Part O—College Partnership Grants

Part O—College Partnership Grants section references
  1. College partnership grants authorized. (1161o)

Part P—Jobs to Careers

Part P—Jobs to Careers section references
  1. Grants to create bridges from jobs to careers. (1161p)

Part Q—Rural Development Grants for Rural-Serving Colleges and Universities

Part Q—Rural Development Grants for Rural-Serving Colleges and Universities section references
  1. Grants to rural-serving institutions of higher education. (1161q)

Part R—Campus-Based Digital Theft Prevention

Part R—Campus-Based Digital Theft Prevention section references
  1. Campus-based digital theft prevention. (1161r)

Part S—Training for Realtime Writers

Part S—Training for Realtime Writers section references
  1. Program to promote training and job placement of realtime writers. (1161s)

Part T—Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success

Part T—Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success section references
  1. Model programs for Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success. (1161t)

Part U—University Sustainability Programs

Part U—University Sustainability Programs section references
  1. Sustainability planning grants authorized. (1161u)

Part V—Modeling and Simulation Programs

Part V—Modeling and Simulation Programs section references
  1. Modeling and simulation. (1161v)

Part W—Path to Success

Part W—Path to Success section references
  1. Path to success. (1161w)

Part X—School of Veterinary Medicine Competitive Grant Program

Part X—School of Veterinary Medicine Competitive Grant Program section references
  1. School of veterinary medicine competitive grant program. (1161x)

Part Y—Early Federal Pell Grant Commitment Demonstration Program

Part Y—Early Federal Pell Grant Commitment Demonstration Program section references
  1. Early Federal Pell Grant Commitment Demonstration Program. (1161y)

Part Z—Henry Kuualoha Giugni Kupuna Memorial Archives

Part Z—Henry Kuualoha Giugni Kupuna Memorial Archives section references
  1. Henry Kuualoha Giugni Kupuna Memorial Archives. (1161z)

Part AA—Masters and Postbaccalaureate Programs

Part AA—Masters and Postbaccalaureate Programs section references
  1. Masters degree programs. (1161aa)
  1. Postbaccalaureate programs. (1161aa-1)

Last Modified: 06/05/2022 • Published: 03/28/2021